Tuesday, June 7, 2022


I have seen a lot about hate in the past few years.  It seems that a large group of godless yahoos want to believe themselves to be morally superior to God-fearing Christians and so they have effectively claimed the moral high ground by rejecting all forms of hate.

God is love, after all, and He loved the world more than His own Son.  So, according to those who openly reject the love of Jesus, we should not hate at all.   We should love sodomy, drag queen story hour, race riots, and random foreigners who supply our President's son with ample amounts of crack and underage hookers.

And so many of the Christian dumb masses have been suckered in to this foolish line of thinking.  Usually these are uppity white people who have paid way too much attention in public skool and ended up believing themselves to be ultra-racist with the only hope of redemption being to accept whatever nonsense comes from the mouths of the wicked.

What you have to understand is that these people hate you, though they won't admit it.  They hate Jesus even more, but He's in heaven right now so they'll settle for trying to make you their bitch.

These spell wizards have done an excellent job of redefining what hatred is.  It is actually quite admirable in how effective they have been at changing the definition.

True hatred is simply an aversion to evil.  And evil is anything that rejects God and His Son.  Remember we are commanded to hate what is evil and cling to what is good.

So when you see those stupid signs that say, "Hate has not place here" or other such nonsense, know that these people are signaling their opposition to God and His Will for this world.

Naturally, we are to love our enemies, but true love does not mean we validate their evil.  God never did such a thing and He never will.