Yesterday, Project Veritas released a video that shows doctors and nurses working in the Department of Health and Human Services openly talking about how the COVID-19 vaccine doesn't work. On top of that, they talk about how certain viable treatments for COVID are being deliberately withheld on threat of termination.
And as disgusting as this is to watch, this is pretty much business as usual within the medical industry. I know, this is a controversial thing to say. Doctors generally are there to help people and collect a hefty paycheck from your insurance company, right?
To be honest, I have never been impressed with most doctors I've encountered in my life. In the United States, doctors seem obsessed with prescribing various drugs or injecting you with vaccines. Not just COVID vaccines but all kinds of vaccines.
I was kicked out of a pediatrician's office because my wife and I refused to "fully vaccinate" our children. In reality, we had given out children the MMR, Polio, and DTAP vaccines and those were the only ones we felt they needed. But because we didn't follow the CDC guidelines, we were told that they couldn't see our children anymore.
No matter, pediatricians are a dime a dozen and we quickly found another one. Right now, we don't even bother with them and instead just take our kids to a walk-in clinic when we need antibiotics.
And that's another thing. When we've gone to the doctors (not the walk-in clinics, they're pretty decent) I feel like I'm pulling teeth when I try to get any kind of antibiotics for when my kids get sick. Meanwhile, I read about how gay men are getting all the drugs they ask for after getting unknown intestinal parasites from rimming.
On top of that, doctors seem to have no sense of customer service. If any other service that you paid for behaved the way that the did, you would sue them for their poor service. But we accept what they do and let them get away with it all because we supposed to believe that they're all smarter than us.
But they aren't and I've never been impressed with doctors as an adult. Well, very few anyway.
This latest video from Project Veritas just confirms that doctors are cowards and have zero interest in their patients.
At this point, I'd rather die from cancer than receive any treatment from them because they're all a bunch of liars and scam artists unless proven otherwise.
In short, doctors in the USA are, by and large, legalized drug pushers, nothing more. They aren't interested in actually healing their patients and seem more concerned with tricking you into receiving treatments and medicines you probably wouldn't need with simple lifestyle changes.
I mean, think about it. If everyone ate better food and exercised regularly, many of them would be out of business. But many people would rather take their pills to treat conditions and damn the long-term consequences.
And no, Medicare for all will not fix this. I know there are hardcore Leftists who think that if the government ran healthcare, it would solve these problems. But those problems have absolutely fuck all with how doctors are paid and more to do with the Gamma nature of the doctor's profession. It's full of midwits who have high-powered degrees, after all.