Tuesday, March 8, 2022

What America First Means to Me

 Recently, Mittens Romney stated that it was the America First policies that caused Russia to invade Ukraine.  Because the RINO shill can’t help but support the “president” whose election he helped to steal in order to secure his son’s position in Burisma.

And honestly, I don’t care too much what happens in Ukraine right now.  Our gasoline prices and food prices are about to hit record highs because the Biden administration hates Americans and wants children to starve.

But if America First policies had truly been implemented, Russia would have still invaded Ukraine.  But instead of all these stupid normie NPCs running around waving the wrong country flag, we would’ve had a lot more people just not giving a flying rat’s ass about the entire situation.

You see to me America First is all about the following things:

  • A focus on ensuring that the vast majority of products and services used by American consumers are also produced by American-based companies that hire American citizens.
  • Ensuring that all trade deals with foreign nations benefit the citizens of the United States and benefit the citizens of the foreign nation.  Otherwise, the deal is off because we will not exploit other nations for our own gluttony and greed.
  • Pushing for traditional families and rejecting the sexual deviants who are perpetuating our society.  For some reason, nearly every idiot in the US thinks tolerance means that we should celebrate narcissistic perverts at every turn.  Sorry, but your child abuse manifested as disgusting sex acts is not normal, not to be celebrated, and you should repent of your wickedness.
  • Encouraging married couples to have as many children as they can.  This means that we need to ensure that every father has a stable job situation, encourage a culture of wholesomeness, not sleaze, and promote the family at every turn.
  • It’s about rejecting the outright anti-American culture that was cultivated by the Boomer generation.
  • It means deporting a lot of immigrants, both legal and illegal, to ensure that Americans don’t have to accept lower wages because H1B Visa holders.
  • It’s about maintaining our environment and maintaining our infrastructure, like roads, bridges, and schools.
  • It’s about providing education with lessons that promote proper education, one that focuses on ability, merit, and Truth.
  • It’s about bringing Christianity back into the public discourse, where politicians can mention God and Jesus and not be looked upon with contempt.
  • It’s about bringing all our military abroad home to protect our own country and telling all of our allies that they are big boys and are responsible for their own defense.
  • It’s about rejecting all refugees, save those who come from countries with a similar history and culture, like South Africa.

None of these things would have caused Russia to invade Ukraine.  If anything, the United States and our Western “allies” poked that bear one too many times.

In case you haven’t figured it out yet, the United States government is run by Satanic people.  The president, the military leaders, the Cabinet, Congressional heads, and everyone in-between them are all corrupt and currently damned to Hell.   But they’re going to destroy everything to spite the growing number of Americans who have figured this out and soundly reject them and their wicked designs.

There are more of us than there are of them.  They just hold the power right now.  But much of that power is dependent on the complacency of the American people, whose patience is about running thin as the prices of gasoline and food are about to skyrocket even more and the Housing market is about to crash big time.

Basically, we’re all fucked right now because our government isn’t America First and has no interest in governing with its own people’s best interests in mind.