Wednesday, December 8, 2021

That Kyle Rittenhouse Thing

Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges.

Yes, the famed white supremacist went to Kenosha, got an assault rifle, and gunned down three black youths who were participating in a mostly peaceful protest.

Well, that's the official Twitter story.

The true story is actually much darker if you look into it.

Kyle Rittenhouse naively went to a riot over the police shooting a violent black man who had a long history of violence and who was, if you watched the video of the shooting, probably reaching for a gun in a car when the cops finally put several bullets into his back.  He survived, by the way.

Naturally, given that this occurred during the official Summer of George Floyd, Antifa goons were then deployed to the city of Kenosha in order to burn it down.  But only private businesses.  They didn't dare go near a courthouse, a police station, or the mayor's office there.  Largely because the mayor himself was probably the one who made the call to have the police stand down and bring in Antifa Brown Shirts.

Rittenhouse was there because he just wanted to help people.  He was rendering first aid because the paramedics and police weren't allowed near the riot zones.  He was putting out fires.  He was holding a gun to protect himself from the Antifa Brown Shirts.

Then Kyle found himself alone.  His friends abandoned him or he left them, I don't know which.  Either way, Joshua Zimeski, a lifelong criminal and more than likely a high-ranking member of Antifa, then told his stupid pedophile goon Joseph Rosenbaum to attack Kyle.  I suppose Zimeski expected Rosenbaum to disarm a scared kid and then probably rape him because Rosenbaum had done that to younger kids earlier.  He also enjoyed burning down gas stations.

Things didn't happen that way.  Kyle shot Rosenbaum four times, ultimately killing him.  I should note here, that both Zimeski and Rosenbaum are more than likely Jewish or, as they are more popularly called, (((fellow white people))).

This came as a shock to Zimeski, but it was not apparent because he seemed to calmly fire a shot in the air and then point Kyle out to fellow Antifa Brown Shirts, while he and his wife Kelly slicked away into the darkness like the cowards they are.

Kyle headed for the police after briefly calling his friend.  On the way, he was attacked by the Antifa Brown Shirts and knocked to the ground, hit with a skateboard and kicked in the head before returning fire, killing a violent domestic abuser by the name of Anthony Huber and blowing the bicep off of Gaige Grosskreutz, a man who has a history of armed robbery.  The black man who kicked him in the head got away, but allegedly is now facing violent crime-related charges himself.

I should now note that all the people who Kyle killed or wounded were not black men.

After this harrowing ordeal, one that not even most combat veterans face, Kyle turned himself into the police.  He was charged with murder and put on trial.  After a week-long deliberation, he was acquitted of all charges because he only killed a Jew and a white guy, and not a few black guys while calling them n-words.

The darker part of this take is that I think Zimeski was there that night to have someone killed in the riot.  He knew Rosenbaum was a loose cannon, to say the least, and if Rosenbaum went postal on some poor kid, he could easily have been disavowed as a violent child rapist who had nothing to do with the "peaceful protest".

It would not surprise me to learn that the mayor of Kenosha, John Antaramian, had ordered that Zimeski do this in order to get the counter-protestors to back down.  He clearly wanted his city in flames because he told the police to not intervene.  He also had his nephew, Detective Benjamin Antaramian, investigate Rittenhouse.

On a side note, Mayor John Antaramian is currently being looked at for his acceptance of money from Mark Zuckerberg in order to commit election fraud in Wisconsin.  So yeah, this guy is a low-level Cabal hack who probably has may nefarious ties to other unsavory people.

I don't know what happens to Kyle from here.  I know he's got a long road of hardship ahead of him as a result of this.  But I hope that he trusts in God.  I know that God got him this far and He will not abandon him if he is faithful.

Godspeed young man.