Friday, December 17, 2021

Incident With the Unmentioned Comedian

In case you haven't noticed, I have been a fan of Owen Benjamin in the past.  I do admire his ability to literally go pretty much off-grid once the demons that run Hollywood decided he was no longer useful to them.  All he really did was say that turning children trans was serious child abuse.  Suddenly he was BLACKlisted from all of Hollywood, despite his status as a comedian.

But this isn't about his history.  I'm sure he could document it all himself, in-between screaming at the moon while milking his goats.  Okay, that's not fair.  I don't think he milks his goats under the moonlight.  Yet.

This is about an incident I had with him over the Internet.  Full disclosure, I don't hold any real hostility towards Mr. Smith about this at all.  But I need to write about it because I don't have anything better to write about right now.  The events that I describe can't be verified, however, because Susan erased them from the Internet.  Seriously, go fuck yourself Susan.

During one of Owen's livestreams, he delved into the JFK assassination and how the video that everyone sees was created by a Jew after the fact and that no raw footage of the incident exists for public consumption to this day.  In the comments of said video, I mentioned that my mother remembered seeing it herself.  Now, I was mistaken and I probably just remember it that way when my mother was just saying that she remembers the news report of what happened that day.  She lived on a pig farm and was probably either at school or doing chores when it happened for all I know.

Owen replied to my false comment by calling my mother a liar.

But it's SusanTube comments.  And nobody cares about those.  The only thing lower than SusanTube comments is Reddit comments.

The next day, however, Mr. Smith took a screenshot of that comment, posted it on his stream, and said that while he didn't know who I was, he was certain that my mother was a "fucking liar".

It's one thing if he attacked me.  That would be legit, especially if half of your streams just involve you yelling at your fans for being stupid morons and that the world is flat, there is no space, and there would be Utopia if everyone was like you.

(That last part may be unfair.  Whatever, it stays.)

So I did the only sane thing I could think, traveled to Washington state, set his ducks on fire, and pissed in his goat milk.  And then I sent 1 million emails to Vox Day about how he's partnered with a violent pony snatcher.

No, that's not right.  I did no such thing.  I did, however, write him a letter explaining that my mother was not a liar and that I was probably just misremembering what she told me.

I even told him that I wasn't interested in an apology.  I just wanted him to understand that my mother was off-limits.

When he read the letter on his stream, he stated that he wasn't going to apologize because he was just joking.  Again, I didn't care for an apology, but that was just insulting.

And it revealed who he really is: a comedian.  As such, you can't trust the shit he talks about because he could be very well "just joking".

At least, I don't trust him.  I consider the people who are moving to Idaho to start Beartaria or whatever he's calling it to be fools and cowards.  Because he is not a leader and he will not save you from the coming collapse.  If anything, he has a huge target on his head with some asshole grabbler in a satellite somewhere ready to fire the laser once the revolution starts.

Or it's a lizardman floating in a balloon.  I don't know.  I can't keep up with all the conspiracies.  I mean, Pizzagate is enough to make me not trust a damn thing those assholes are saying.

In any case, I don't think Mr. Benjamin Smith is a grifter, just a trickster.  And you don't trust the trickster because at the end of the day, he's murdering Baldr for the fuck of it.  Or he's throwing daggers at you to make you scream.  Or he's stealing your cattle.  Or he's making you a pie.  Of death.

And as for myself, I'm not looking for an apology or reconciliation of any kind.  I'm a nobody and I'm fine with that.  Hell, I hardly think of the incident at all.  I don't actively seek him out on Gab or Social Galactic and harass him.  I don't listen to his streams either.

I just wanted to write about this and maybe have something to link to when some rando on the Internet asks me why I don't trust Owen Benjamin.  Hell, I probably have a more legit reason to hate him than 99% of his actual haters.  But I'm just indifferent to the whole matter.

I'm sure that should Owen actually bother to read this (and that's a really big 'if'), he'll mock me for being a communist loser or something and that I'm not having fun or killing his fun or some bullshit.  That's why I don't expect anything to come from this.  It's really just me being a sad, pathetic loser.  I mean, what kind of person writes this much about something that happened a couple of years ago.  A fucking woman, that's who.

 As for the Bears, his followers, I don't have a beef with them.  I do think many of them take him way too seriously and they need to understand that at the end of the day, he was only joking.