With Arizona's Maricopa County audit coming out last Friday, naturally the mainstream press and all the talking heads that acknowledged the audit said that they were wrong, the election should be decertified, and that the Democrats clearly cheated in order to installed a pants-shitting, booger-eating trailer trash rapist from Delaware, a state whose only interests are paying bridge tolls, gambling, and gawking at the Mennonites.
Because to not do so would mean they are part of an international conspiracy to murder babies to Satan.
Meanwhile, the Republicans across the country saw the results and called "foul!" in one loud voice. Then Senate Minority Leader Turtles McConnell, after having conferred with Winnie-the-Xi, came out to the Senate to call for hearings and investigations into possible voter fraud in many other counties across the country, before sticking his head back in his shell as his totally-not-a-CCP-spy wife called him to ask him to get eggs and milk on his way home from work.
Because if Republicans don't seriously address voter fraud in this country, they'll never be a majority in the government ever again and that should concern them, right?
Seriously, what did you all think their reactions would be once the audit report came out? Did you think that it was going to right the ship?
I'm not being cynical here, I'm just trying to make sure you understand that the purpose of the audit is not overturn the election, though that would be a bonus, but it is simply to put a black mark on Joe Biden's term as President. Although, he seems to be putting a lot of black marks on his presidency without the audit.
We now have hard, documented evidence that the electoral process is extremely broken in the United States, to the point that even a popular, incumbent president can "lose" to a drooling, gun-grabbing, basement-dwelling, criminal sellout.
Granted, we all knew this to be the case, but it's one thing to call your school bully's mom a whore, it's another thing entirely to have video evidence of it on PornHub. Either way, he's going to bring the smackdown, though he might cry while he does it in the latter case.
For the longest time now, our electoral process has been an unsecure mess. It is way too easy to cheat in our elections and the only thing that seems to keep things honest is that most people just simply follow the guidelines (technically they're rules but rules are for fools in elections) out of a simple desire to not get caught.
But apparently getting caught is near impossible and only seems to happen if you're a Republican or you run afoul of the machine or you're acting independent of the Democratic party's totally-legit-and-definitely-not-illegal get-out-the-vote campaigns. I mean, those sanctuary cities were only handing out voter registration applications to undocumented workers for instructional purposes only, right?
The Democrats clearly are not a popular party amongst Americans, even all those Fake Americans it seems. Clearly, the only way they can win is if they cheat. I refuse to believe that this country is divided into a 50-50 split. My guess is it is closer to a 70-30 split. Of course, even 30% could raise a lot of Hell in a civil war.
The Republican leadership isn't all that interested in making waves. President Trump was opposed by them because he made mean tweets. They wanted to "play fair" and they still do. They aren't interested in fighting for the good, the beautiful, and the true right now.
But we can make them do so. Right now, more audits are pending in more significant states. There is a lot of work ahead of us, especially if we want to do this in a peaceful manner.
But we also have to be willing to shot, punch, kick, and stab the people who bear arms against us. Because that day may, unfortunately, be here very soon.