The one good thing about a large group of Satan-worshipping tyrants taking over your government is that they really have no cohesive discipline. Sure, they work well together when they all have a common enemy, but once that guy is mostly out of the picture, then they all scramble for their pieces of the pie.
And without a strong leader, they fall apart quickly.
This is what we are seeing now with the Democratic and Republican Prometheans today. Right now, they are all arguing over who gets what spoils and their leader, Sleazy Joe, is too much of a pants-shitting idiot to whip them all into shape. And any leader in Congress is too old and obsessed with sodomy to be a proper leader. Hell, most of Congress is populated by failures in real life, which is probably why they took the job in the first place.
So now that the legitimate president has been kicked out of office by the baby-raping yahoos, they now have a problem agreeing on the best course of action of how to fleece the American people and give more money to China, Israel, the Taliban, and various government contractors who will provide them with cushy executive positions once they decide to "retire".
The primary problem is that they can't all agree on it and, on top of that, there's no money.
The USA is flat broke. It's a miracle we've made it this far. Did I say "miracle"? How about "astounding act of black magick"?
There is no money to spend. The US government is officially trillions in debt, mostly owed to the Federal Reserve and the US government itself, and the tax revenues are dropping, especially in light of Job-killer Joe's new policies of making Americans lose their jobs because he's too busy eating boogers in the corner and pulling that little girl's pigtails.
After all, 3.5 Trillion is the new 0!
I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run. The US government will be defaulting on all of its debts, assuming that this government exists for much longer. Between the massive election fraud, the military failures for the past 70 years, the incompetence of your local bureaucrat, and the lack of true leadership or integrity at all layers in government, there is no way such a system can last much longer.
Best case scenario? The Oligarchs cause the mass unrest and riots, flee to their sanctuaries in the Ozarks and New Zealand, and we lock them up there. It'll kind of be like Zardoz, but they won't be immortal, and we Brutals will actually build a better world.
That will last until the third generation. Then our grandchildren will fuck it all up all over again.