Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Advocates for Evil

It’s probably cliché to say this, but the Democrats are on the side of pure evil.  I know, I know, if I was really a Republican, that would mean something.  I mean, I’m it’s the opposition party, so one side is good and the other is evil, right?

I don’t care much for Republicans in general.  Yeah, I said I was going to volunteer to be a GOP poll watcher, but that’s more because I want to ensure fair elections, not because I think Republicans are on the side of angels.

The reason I say that Democrats are on the side of pure evil is because of the terrible things they advocate.  The leadership in that party has clearly positioned themselves in a manner that goes against Christianity and Western civilization.

They’re so hung up on diversity and anti-racism that they had to get rid of God.

They’re so pro-woman, that they advocate women being able to murder their own babies so they can continue behaving like sluts.

They remove the death penalty for murderers and consider criminals to be misunderstood victims of class hierarchy.  And yet never once do they make sure that their rich friends go to prison for the crimes they commit.  I fully expect Ed Buck to have his sentence commuted on compassionate grounds or some other bullshit.

They push our children to engage in acts of sodomy and degeneracy because they advocate it themselves.  They actively hate European-descended people in the USA and really hate it when a man and woman try to raise a family.  On top of that, they clearly have little regard for people who actually do productive work in this country.

And nearly everything they advocate for that seems compassionate and sensible, like universal healthcare, worker’s rights, anti-racism, or eliminating the wealth gap always ends up getting sidelined when they gain power.  Often times they literally do the opposite of those things once in power.

And to top it off, once in power, they do everything they can to ensure they keep power, including murder.  Yes, I firmly believe that top Democrat leadership has had people murdered.  I guess the Republicans might have done so, but I doubt it.  If someone had been murdered by Republicans for political purposes, I’m sure MSNBC would have mentioned something by now.

If you really think about it, nearly all the policies that are put in place by the Democrats are literally the same thing that would have been done by literal demons.

Are Republicans better?  Yes, they are.  They aren’t perfect and many on the national level are basically whores for whoever can pay them the most, but for the most part, if you look at localities and States that are run by Republicans, things tend to be more pleasant and livable.  Yes, those areas have their problems, but those problems are nowhere near the level of what you might face in, say, San Francisco where you have watch where you step.

The biggest sin with the Republican party is that they simply don’t fight back.  They seek compromise and fairness with Hell itself.  A Republican would rather make a deal with Satan himself than face the possibility of having to actually fight for something.

But while they aren’t perfect, they can be changed and pushed in a direction that serves as a force for good.  Joining a local Republican party branch is a good start.  I’d suggest to be patient and to not make too many waves until you figure out how things work.  Then you can take over.

And don’t compromise with Democrats.  Stand up to them.  Push back against them.  And when they cry and whine, then threaten and mock, remember that these people are barely people at all in the same sense that wicked men still retain the image of God, but not His spirit.