Thursday, August 19, 2021

Sticks and Stones Didn’t Make the Internet

The Internet is a great tool.  It allows so much communication over vast distances that used to take days or weeks even to distribute information.  It even allows the FBI to organize kidnapping plots and the CIA to organize Muslim radicals to take over whole countries.

It’s a neat thing.  It has even made it so that words will hurt people.

A lot of people.

And they’re not even good words to use.

And sadly, people will go out of their way to appeal to completely bigoted strangers who have already pre-determined who you are based on your Twitter profile.  To be fair, though, if you include “your” pronouns and what you like to do with your butthole in sexual situations on there, people are going to make a lot of assumptions about you.

The fact is, people don’t have thick skin.  Even the ancient barbarians would’ve just introduced your head to Mr. Axe if you said the wrong thing to them.  Does that sound thick-skinned and tough to you?

The Internet, if anything, has just enhanced everyone’s personality and it turns out that everyone was an asshole to begin with.  Yes, even you.

And the thing about assholes is that their sensitive organs that can’t handle much trauma without a whole lot of experience.  But then it starts to break down from there and you end up wearing adult diapers.

I think I’ve taken that analogy a little too far, but you get the point.

And somehow, we’ve all got to kowtow to the mentally ill and spiritually broken.  We’re not allowed to tell them to quick being a bunch of lazy, stupid, ungrateful stick bundles.  Instead, we have to indulge every silly fantasy they engage in and validate it into reality, all in an effort to be “inclusive”.  Inclusive to what, I’m not sure because I’m not included in much as it stands.  Hell, I’m still waiting on my white supremacist dental plan and my Christian card of superiority.

I guess the lesson here is that everyone should get off the Internet and go jack-off Turkeys so you can have a lovely Thanksgiving dinner.

Or barring that, just go play board games or something.  I don’t know.  Human beings are sinful idiots and there’s no fix for this.  Just a lot of avoidable pain.