I am no scientist. Well, technically my Bachelor's Degree is in Computer Science, but that’s not really science and these days I’d consider myself a Computer Engineer more so than a Computer Scientist.
That being said, I do understand the scientific method well enough because it’s a very simple and easy process to follow.
But it’s apparent these days that our so-called scientists aren’t really interested in following the scientific method. I think they look at it as an archaic guideline that doesn’t give them the grant money they believe they deserve.
Science is not that reliable these days. Most studies that are published, the ones that aren’t full of errors, tend to be funded by corporate or government interests, not people interested in discovering the truth of the universe around us.
Not convinced? What if I told you that scientists have yet to explain why a bicycle stands up when you ride it? That’s right. A basic truth of this world is that when you peddle a bicycle, it stands upright, defying gravity itself. And yet, our best scientists in the world cannot explain why this occurs. At least as of this writing.
And for some reason, we all treat them as priests and bishops in the Church of the Sacred Promethean. They wear the sacred lab coats and lecture us on the mysteries of the universe. They tell us how to manage our lives, right down to what we eat. Everything can be explained by science (except bikes, of course).
And when they reveal some of their sacred mysteries on the television, suddenly every idiot with an IQ above 80 is now an expert on science.
And the politicians at all levels listen to them. As we have seen in the past couple of years, they are perfectly willing to destroy our freedoms and our livelihoods based on what Dr. Fausti says. This despite his continuous contradictions and revisions, as well as a long history of being a stuffy bureaucrat and not saving people’s lives in hospitals.
It is amazing how overnight people become experts on viruses and everything else when the truth is that even scientists aren’t sure how they work entirely. Vaccines never work 100% and the current crop seems to do the opposite of what it’s supposed to do. Keep in mind too that vaccine manufacturers and doctors are immune from being sued, should there be any adverse reaction caused by them.
So vaccines are just a zero-liability product that they are pushing on us with taxpayer support.
If a vaccine was a hooker, you wouldn’t need to make it free and give out cash and prizes to people for getting them and then mandate that people use said product. Clearly, nobody wants the vaccine. Nobody wants the mandates.
And while there are a lot of conspiracy theories surrounding the vaccine, I’d say that it’s probably just about money and greed. That’s the default behavior of the elite. They look at all of us as nothing more than cattle to exploit. And even a terrible farmer doesn’t intentionally sour the milk of his cows.
Yes, they are evil and insane, so that analogy may not work, but the greed theory seems to make the most sense.
But the vaccine stuff is just one small aspect of all the idiots out there who think they are scientists because they listen to podcasts or watch television. In truth, you aren’t a scientist and you probably shouldn’t lower yourself with such an insult.