Well this is certainly getting ugly:
College students have heard a similar refrain for years in campaigns to stop sexual assault: No means no.
Now, as universities around the country that are facing pressure over the handling of rape allegations adopt policies to define consensual sex, California is poised to take it a step further. Lawmakers are considering what would be the first-in-the-nation measure requiring all colleges that receive public funds to set a standard for when "yes means yes."
Defining consensual sex is a growing trend by universities in an effort to do more to protect victims. From the University of California system to Yale, schools have been adopting standards to distinguish when consent was given for a sexual activity and when it was not.
Legislation passed by California's state Senate in May and coming before the Assembly this month would require all schools that receive public funds for student financial assistance to set a so-called "affirmative consent standard" that could be used in investigating and adjudicating sexual assault allegations. That would be defined as "an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision" by each party to engage in sexual activity.
This is the fault of progressive feminist polices that were directed at colleges across the United States. It has been going on for a long time now as I’ve seen so many cases involving the question of rape.
When I went to my college orientation, I was inundated with relentless sketches and statements about sex and alcohol on campus. The takeaway was that a man accused of rape is guilty, no questions.
This is the ultimate goal of regulating sex on campus. It is all about the woman’s consent, not the man’s as his preferences don’t count. Of course, in a college campus where abstract ideas have nothing to do with reality, this leaves about 80% of all men as rapist with the remaining 20% pegged as Alphas.
I still don’t understand why universities feel the need to police the sex lives of their students. More than that, it is amazing for me to see so many students, who have just obtained newfound freedom, allow a very private part of their lives be managed by an administration who is more interested in their money at the end of the day.
Wasn’t there a time when colleges focused on academics and not sex? Shouldn’t it be high time that we segregate schools by gender and have them focus on coursework rather than setting up consent policies?
I have a suspicion that our society will head in that direction. I think that eventually, some politicians are going to get tired of being college campus sex police and instead come up with “barbaric” policies to ensure that students are actually learning something.
Until then, I say we just watch and laugh at the fools as they try to work out their comedy of errors.