Thursday, May 1, 2014

Underrated Comedy Movies

I do love comedies.  Not all of them but many of them.  Hell, even some of the ones that were panned by critics.  Here’s a short list of comedies that I believe were underrated and/or slammed by critics:

  • Death to Smoochy.  This movie was panned by critics and Robin Williams was given a Razzie Award for worst supporting actor.  I don’t buy it.  I think Robin Williams has some of the funniest lines in the movie and is one of the few movies where he really cuts loose.  Maybe a decade of him doing serious roles made critics unable to handle him brand of comedy.  On top of that, it was a very interesting take on going behind the scenes with children’s programming.
  • Screwed.  This film is hilarious.  It features Norm MacDonald, Dave Chappelle, and Danny DeVito all playing off each other in very humorous ways.  DeVito plays a very creepy coroner whose home life is actually even creepier.  MacDonald and Chappelle do well as a duo in the movie as well.  The last act really picks up with some of the funniest scenes I’ve ever seen, chief among them the perfect hiding spot.
  • Dirty Work.  This film is incredibly underrated in my opinion.  Norm MacDonald is at his finest here and he really delivers some great lines in his deadpan tone.  On top of that, the pranks are hilarious.  It also features Chris Farley in a supporting role that was perfect for him.  And Chevy Chase nails it in his performance as a gambling addict and cardiologist.
  • The Man with Two Brains.  While Steve Martin is probably best known for The Jerk or some other more tame comedies, this one is just as wacky as The Jerk.  Not many people really know about this one, which is sad because it should be listed as among his best work.
  • Bowfinger  This movie is another Steve Martin vehicle about a Z-grade producer trying to get a decent movie made for a change.  The entire film is a parody of Hollywood with even jabs at Scientology.  It is definitely a movie for people who love those low-budget schlock films and helps to gain an appreciation for the ordeals that most outsiders have to go through in order to get movies made in Hollywood.
  • Tucker and Dale vs. Evil.  If you have not seen this movie, check it out.  It is the funniest horror comedy I’ve seen.  The entire premise of the movie is that what if these teenage massacres in the woods were all just some weird misunderstanding.  And it takes that premise in a very clever direction.
  • The Last Lovecraft: Relic of Cthulhu.  Most Lovecraft horror is never done right in my opinion, but this horror comedy actually does it right.  While not based on any particular story, it does incroporate the Cthulhu Mythos in hilarious ways.  Just hearing about one character’s sexual encounter with a Deep One is worth the price of admission.