Maybe the Comedian, the psychopathic anti-hero from The Watchmen, had things right: life’s a big joke. At least, that’s how I see it when it comes to other people and how they treat the truly important things in life. From where I stand, everything that is important to people is treated as nothing compared to the pure shit that they consider important.
What am I talking about? It’s simple really: think of all the things that are really important, the things that affect humanity as a whole and then think about how most people treat them. Governments around the world are clinging to their worthless and (literally) bankrupt ideologies and we have movements to keep those very failed polices in place. The environmental movement is pushing us all into a new Stone Age without the delicious meat our ancestors ate back then, and while they are bunch of worthless fringe radicals, they are considered to be gods among the media and the governments of the world.
But most people don’t give a shit about this. They’d rather continue to allow the looters to tax all the producers of the world who are not dependent on government tit-money so they can retire on the government take. As a young person, I know how royally screwed I am. Maybe that’s why so many in my generation are nothing but hedonists who care more about some asshole’s voice on American Idol instead of all the natural rights that are taken away from them on a daily basis.
Don’t bother confronting people with any of this. You’ll be accused of being an agitator or a moralizer. Or worse: a zealot. It doesn’t matter that what you are saying will make any sense. As long as it brings people out of their comfort zones, it will never make sense to them.
People are absolute idiots who are driven by their own useless emotional highs rather than something greater than themselves. And no, I don’t mean some Utopian government that will solve all our problems. The last century has proven that it doesn’t work, no matter how big it gets.
Government has become our crutch. We all are afraid of what will happen if it collapses. But I say, let it die. Let our government collapse on its own arrogance and let us all remove our fears of what could happen. There are many things that could happen and to be honest, those things could happen with or without government.
The time has come for people to wake up and realize that we’re all screwed, no matter what we do. Ride the rollercoaster and enjoy it. Face your fears and let them pass through you (I know, I’m quoting from Dune here).