If you’re a conservative, you are probably a Statist. I say this with the full confidence that you don’t believe in the free market and in human liberty anymore than liberals do. You just simply lie about it or delude yourself into thinking you’re different from the other guy. At the end of the day, you are nothing but a hypocrite.
Think about it. For starters, you supported the USA PATRIOT Act when Bush passed it after 9/11. But before 9/11, you probably opposed it because the Democrats were trying to pass it. That’s right, the Democrats were stopped by the Republicans in trying to pass the USA PATRIOT Act.
You probably hate Rand Paul and would rather see his Democrat rival win. I know your type. If Ron Paul won the Republican nomination in 2012, you’d rather go to Hell than vote for him. So when you attack liberty-minded folks like myself about John McCain losing and Obama winning, you’re really just a big McCain supporter. McCain is a huge Statist by the way. He also hates you.
I’m sorry to come down on you all like this, but to be honest, I’m just fed up with all the bullshit I’ve had to take from conservatives. I’m called a “liberaltarian” because you’re too simple-minded to see more than two options in social issues. I’m called a “RuPauler” because I voted for Ron Paul rather than Mitt Romney, who paved the way for Obamacare I might add.
So frankly, I don’t care about your stances on the issues because I know you’re lying. Once Republicans regain power and start doing exactly what they were doing under Bush, you’ll let it all slide. You’ll instead point out that things would be worse off with the Democrats in power. I don’t see how death by a stab to the heart is worse than death by one thousand cuts. As so many liberty minded individuals such as Ayn Rand and F.A. Hayek have pointed out in the past, compromise only means the wrong side will win.
I’ve taken a lot of insults from various forum posters over the years and I guess I’m stupid enough to keep on going back. Well, I think it’s time I went away because, quite frankly, you’re all a bunch of lying snobs who would kill their own mother if it meant winning a debate. And you’re too stupid to see the forest before the trees. You claim to love the free market, yet many of you support the banking bailouts.
Look, I know this is a hard concept, but liberty isn’t an easy road for humanity. It means you have to end up taking the brunt of the responsibility for your own actions and you’ll have no one to blame but yourself in most cases.
Yet you continue to insist that more money into the military makes us more safe while at the same time stating that more money into education doesn’t work. You hypocrites and fools.
I’m sick of you all.