Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Too Long For Twitter

Everything you need to know about liberty can be found in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien.  I’m sure he was really just telling a story, or rather, creating a whole mythology, but he also ended up describing the nature of evil.  Still, I don’t read too deeply into those kind of stories and it’s really just a great story.  I guess I regard it the same as I do for the teachings of Jesus, which are not all that political really.

The Obama administration reminds me of Chairman Mao’s Cultural Revolution.  Mao Zedong wanted a perpetual revolution in China to keep the ideals of communism intact and Obama is constantly campaigning and utilizing his own campaign strategies to get his way.  I’ve from Senators that he really believes what he is doing is right, which makes me question whether or not he has ever had an original thought of his own, unlike Mao Zedong.  Fortunately, Obama hasn’t starved millions yet.

I am wondering if we are on our last days on Earth.  There are so many strange things going on that it makes me wonder if Jesus isn’t coming back soon.  Still, I haven’t seen anything supernaturally strange happening, just a higher than normal amount of natural disasters.  Maybe the volcano is just the Earth letting off some of its pressure that has caused all these earthquakes.  But don’t take my word for it because I know next to nothing about it all about this kind of thing.  I loved the pictures of the eruptions with lightning though.  Very cool stuff.

I doubt Republicans will do much of anything next year.  I’m fairly certain that, barring any spectacular event of some kind, they will retake the House and probably the Senate.  But once that happens, they will not repeal the Health Care Reform bill nor will they stop the uncontrolled spending.  Many Republican leaders are simply not interested in stopping anything.  At best they are interested in slowing things, which is kind of like opting for the saw over the guillotine.

When I was traveling in Uganda on a short term mission trip, the American Bishop who was traveling with me said that he believed that this century belonged to Africa and not to Europe or America.  While he may have merely been saying that, there is some merit to what he was saying.  The thing is, if the United States and Europe collapse, then foreign aid will cease, pretty much all IMF debts will disappear, and thus the African people will have to fend for themselves.  I think they can do a better job of things than we can.

Speaking of Africa, it looks like the Saudis are attempting to conquer it through conversion and money.  They are funding a lot of Muslim movements there and I’m certain that any violence perpetrated by Muslims in Africa has the Saudi hands behind it.  Another reason it would be good for the economy to collapse because the Saudis would lose a lot of their money due to the United States no longer buying their oil.

A writer’s beliefs are often found in his or her works, whether it’s fiction or non-fiction.  With someone like H.P. Lovecraft, it is fairly easy to see that he was a Socialist of the old era where they supported things like eugenics and other horrible atrocities.  Why else would this author apply the concept of Socialism, a human system of economics and governance, to a group of otherworldly aliens who were supposed to be beyond comprehension.  I guess that’s why i don’t read a whole lot of fiction myself because I always have to keep in mind that it is the author’s world.  After all, everything works in a fantasy.