Monday, August 22, 2022

A Hypothetical Convention of States

I read an article where 19 states expressed interest in holding a convention of states, which is something in the Constitution where all the states send representatives to a massive convention and change the US Constitution, usually by adding amendments to it and bypassing Congress to do so.

I know that such a thing will probably never happen since many state officials are perfectly happy with the status quo and are looking to gain Federal office so they won’t rock that boat.  Unless it’s Epstein’s boat.

But, in the interest of dreaming, I have the following suggestions for amendments to the Constitution that may give us all some semblance of sanity back to the Federal government.  In general, I don’t believe we really need to expand the existing rights as outlined in the Constitution, just reinforce them with some more clearly outlined repercussions for violating those rights.

  • The Balanced Budget Amendment.  It’s an old relic from the 1990s, but it’s something that needs to be passed.  Add a provision that requires Congress to pass a budget each year and if they do not, then the Federal government is not funded and every contractor and federal employee is out of a job.  That includes all “necessary” functions like Congressional staffers and the military.
  • Create term limits for Congress.  Limit it to 12 years total for both the House and the Senate.  Therefore, a single person cannot serve in Congress for more than 12 years.
  • Repeal the 17th Amendment and place the elections of Senators back into the hands of the State Legislatures.
  • Change representation in the House to represent only eligible voters.  And require that there be one representative per 30,000 eligible voters.  That proportion may be a bit high, so I’d be fine with it going to in 10,000, so let’s make 30,000 the max.
  • Require that all laws passed by Congress have at least a 3/5 majority in both houses and eliminate the Presidential veto.  Checks and balances was a stupid concept.
  • Require that all laws passed by Congress expire in two years.  Congress can vote to renew said laws, but this makes it so that should a new party take control, it is much easier to eliminate bad laws passed by previous conventions.
  • Require that all treaties ratified by the Senate expire in 6 years and must be reconsidered.  Treaties in general have been a huge loophole around the Constitution and very little has been done to stop this.  Also, this eliminates the possibility of getting caught up in entangling alliances.
  • Limit Presidential authority to only what is explicitly granted to him by Congress and the Constitution.  Explicitly state that States can ignore presidential orders if they violate this standard without consequence.
  • Give term limits to Federal Judges.  They can only serve a maximum of 15 years on any Federal bench.
  • Limit the scope of judicial authority to only settling disputes between states and between states and the Federal government.
  • Strengthen the 10th Amendment by explicitly stating that the State government can arrest, detain, and imprison any Federal official acting outside the explicit powers granted to the Federal government by the US Constitution.
  • Give the States the ability to impeach and remove any elected Federal official by having a plurality of Governors call for impeachment hearings outside of Congress.  There needs to be additional methods for removing bad politicians.
  • Require that the States purge their voter rolls each year and have their citizens re-register.  Right now, the Federal government prevents this because of racism.
  • Limit voters to any natural-born US citizen over the age of 18.  Legalized citizens cannot vote, but any children they have who are natural-born citizens can vote.
  • Require that all lending done to US citizens be completely forgiven once the debtor dies.  The lender cannot collect what is owed from the left over assets of the debtor.  Those assets belong to their children, not the lender.
  • Limit all loans to US citizens to last no more than 10 years.  Once 10 years are up, the debt is forgiven and the debtor can no longer collect the debt or any interest.  Congress cannot tax the debt difference as income either.
  • Interest rates for all loans are determined solely by a plurality in the House of Representatives.  They are not established by the free market lest the free market fall into a greed spiral that we see today.
  • Copyrights should be owned by individual citizens, not institutions or corporations.  Once said citizen dies, the copyright falls into public domain.  Patents should be held in the same regard.  Trademarks can be owned by companies and corporations.
  • Repeal the 16th Amendment and require that the Federal government acquires tax revenue from either sales tax or International tariffs.

That’s about all the autism I can muster for this article.  I very much doubt any of these ideas will enter the public consciousness, let alone be seriously considered for the US Constitution.  I am not, after all, a prominent scholar or expert in these matters.

But maybe some random person will see it and when this country falls apart because our Satanic overlords decide to go to war with the entire world, they can rebuild what’s left with these ideas in mind.