Frens, I am outraged, outraged, that President Joe Biden decided to forgive student loan debt! How rude of him to give all those young people a second chance at life after they were conned into a massive student loan when they weren’t old enough to legally drink alcohol!
As a Christian, I believe in forgiveness but I cannot forgive Biden for his forgiveness of my fellow, younger Americans who are the future of America. I would rather he send that money overseas to Ukraine so they can continue to seize expensive yachts, sell them, and then give the proceeds to J.P. Morgan.
I mean, doesn’t Biden understand that by canceling debts, he’s inflating the currency by eliminating it?!
I may not be an economist, but I once watched a guy who claimed to have an economics degree on YouTube for 30 seconds while I waited for my chicken tendies to heat up and I think I know more than the idiot who is currently in the White House!
Yes, sure, President Trump (may death come to his enemies) did forgive the student loans of veterans, but that’s different. That doesn’t cause inflation because veterans are magic, unlike the vast majority of the current idiots who all seem to have gotten a Gender Studies degree. I have personally interviewed all of them and none of the people receiving debt relief had any useful degree. Not one.
And yes, I am aware the Federal government gives out student loans and I could have ran a campaign asking Congress to require all those loan go to useful degrees in STEM only. But I would have rather just sit in my basement eating chicken tendies and making fun of all those freaks getting gender studies degrees who then go to work for Hollywood and ruin all the shit I liked to watch.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to refinance my mortgage to get a lower monthly rate but extend the repayment out to another 30 years. I’m sure I’ll live that long and have it all paid off in time to pass on my shitty shack to my children who will be grateful for the scraps I give them.
Because I ain’t forgiving them for all that money they owe me from all the food they ate when they lived in my house.