The long-standing corporate strategy for the past decade or so has been to hate their customers.
I’m sure you’ve noticed this in many products and services you have bought or considered buying.
Take Planet Fitness, for example. They have this thing called a “Lunk Alarm”. It is basically an alarm for when people grunt too loud or slam their weights. So apparently, they just want customers who are fat, out of shape, and unable to lift more than 10 pounds. Because real hardcore weight lifters would do well to steer clear of that madness.
Or take banks. If you have an account with a bank, then every penny you have deposited is in actuality a loan you’ve made to them on their terms, not yours. But try taking large amounts a cash out or paying someone a large amount of money out of your account. Oftentimes, you hit all kinds of restrictions or filters used to supposedly protect you from fraud or scams, but why should the bank care about that? If they were simply holding your money, then they could have zero liability for what you do with it, right?
And don’t get me started on the mainstream entertainment companies. Most of them produce absolute garbage and this has been going on for a long while now.
The Clash of the Titans remake is an excellent example. It has one of the most anti-Christian, pro-Satan messages I’ve ever witnessed in a movie with most people completely missing it. The original movie was a classic hero’s journey in the vein of a Greek myth and was very well done. The remake featured people defying the gods and then, in the end, Zeus saying to Perseus that he “wanted them to love him, but he couldn’t lose his son”.
Seriously, we have the king of the gods telling us that he’d rather see his son live than save humanity. Fuck that movie.
Look at all the shit that Mel Gibson went through getting The Passion of the Christ made. When The Book of Eli was being made, the Hollywood producers kept on complaining about how that movie was “too Christian”.
Meanwhile, movies like that make more money than most big budget shit-shows that pass themselves off as quality storytelling.
I remember when Rambo Last Blood came out and critics lambasted it as anti-Hispanic immigration. Nevermind that the movie literally shows how useless the wall is for drug cartels who build tunnels under it. Or that they kidnapped another Hispanic girl and raped and drugged her to death. But I guess it’s racist to deny Mexicans the ability to peddle drugs and rape young girls.
Customer hatred seems to be rampant in American culture right now. Everything seems bent on ensuring that straight, white, Christian men, the ones with all the money, are shamed and humiliated for being better than them. And there is no doubt that we are because we don’t get fucking handouts, we have to work hard for everything we get, and nobody gives a fuck about us, except to, of course, shame us for existing.
The products you buy don’t last as long as the shit your grandparents bought. The furniture you buy has to be assembled from 400 different pieces. I’m sure that bed will hold it’s form for more than a year, right?
Meanwhile, the roads are shit, the utilities are expensive and require huge deposits to get started, and the schools seem more concerned with what goes in your child’s ass than what goes in your child’s head.
But if you bring any of this up, you’re the bigot full of hate, not them.
Can we at least get to a point where the barista isn’t trying to have a conversation about race with me and just hands me my coffee-flavored milkshake? Can I not go and buy a cellphone without being told that gays are the master race because they have AIDS and Monkeypox? And can we please stop calling all people on the Internet a grifter or a Fed?
Anyway, it’s Friday night and I need a drink. Check out my Twitch stream and give me money because I’m only valued if I’m a fucking clown you worthless degenerates.