Monday, June 27, 2022

The Victory Over Abortion

Abortion is no longer the law of the land.  Because it was never supposed to be the law of the land.  The Supreme Court, by its very nature, was never supposed to be able to create new laws in the Constitution.  Nothing about the original Roe v. Wade decision was legal.

But the abortion mandate was allowed to exist because of the weakest of good men and the corrupt practices of "conservative" politcians.  The top Republicans, you see, were never interested in stopping abortion in any capacity because it allowed them to raise tons of money from gullible donors.

Republicans, especially those in Congress, couldn't give two shits about all those babies being murdered for the sake of Moloch.  The only one who did, as far as I can tell, was Ron Paul, who proposed The Sanctity of Life Act every year he was in Congress until his district was gerrymandered away.  That bill never got more than one or two co-sponsors.

The credit to the overturning of a mandated Satanic sacrifice goes to the local Republican leaders in various states that passed laws to either limit it or ban it all outright.  It was only when actual leaders stood up against such evil that we finally got the outcome that will only strengthen this country in the long run.

Sure, some credit is due to President Trump for getting three halfway decent Supreme Justices nominated and approved for the bench.  But most of the credit is due to the local commnities who stood up and said, "we're done with this Satanic shit."

Local elections matter.  I've heard so many people complain about how the Republican party is garbage and is just Democrat-lite.  But these same assholes will not stand up and become the Republican party.  They won't put in the effort to connect will the local party and see where they can help out.

These are the black-pilled losers you meet on the Internet.  It's not that they don't care, they actually do care but are frustrated at their own cowardice and sloth.  So they fall into cynicism and eventually despair.  Cynicism is the gateway drug into Satan's despair trap.

My prediction is that moving forward, more and more states will limit or ban abortion entirely.  It won't happen immediately.  More than likely, many states will doubledown and insist that abortion can happen up to the 8th trimester or some other extreme and frankly absurd standard.  But this will only embolden the good and decent people in those states to rally against such obvious evil.  And the rest will turn their backs on them.

For now, though, we have a great victory for God, for Jesus, and for this country.  God wins in the end, but He doesn't have to lose now.