I'm sick of the idiot who cheer on all those billions in taxpayer dollars sent overseas to Ukraine. It is literally the exact opposite of America First. Of course, not much of that money is going to help the Ukrainian people because all of these US government money dumps are nothing more than exercises in embezzlement.
I'm fed up with the gas prices and seeing the Biden administration beg other countries for oil and gasoline. It's pathetic and sick and demostrates why we need America First policies put back in place. Because if we can't make make our own necessities here in our own country, what's the point in trying to be a world leader? Also, Ricardo sucks and the past year has proven why.
I'm annoyed that the media has again admitted that they've lied to us and nobody seems to notice. The Ghost of Kiev was a complete fiction. His fictional body was barely smoldering its ectoplasmic ashes when the Ukraine government flat out admitted that he wasn't real. No big deal, it was the idea of a Ukrainian version of Maverick that counted.
In short, I'm not a fan of this war where NATO keeps on trying to goad Russia into a larger war. We are seeing NATO, a useless and inept organization, picking a fight with a fucking nuclear power.
That's going to end well, especially when Putin dies of cancer and his successor isn't so restrained.
And frankly, I'm sick of all you right wingers who blindly support Ukraine. You're all pieces of shit as far as I'm concerned and you're the reason why the Democrats were able to successfully cheat in 2020. Frankly, if all it takes is a fake war to get you to side with litereal fucking Satanists against the last remnants of Christiandom, this whole country deserves the food shortages, the fuel shortages, and the other judgements we are currently receiving from God. Because Jerry Falwell was right all along.
As for me, I will serve God and I will oppose the foreign policy decisions of our Satanic overlords. Because fuck Satan. He's going to Hell and I'm not going there with him.
But you are if you continue to follow your foolish ways.