Thursday, April 7, 2022

Ronald Reagon Was Not a Great President

When I was growing up and in my younger, more idealistic, yet shockingly cynical, years, I was always told that Ronald Reagan was the gold standard for conservative thought and, by extension, the greatest President ever.

Now that I am older and (hopefully) wiser, I have come to the conclusin that Ronald Reagan was a terrible president who laid the groundwork for many of the social and political ills we are facing today.

First of all, he was the governor of California, back when you could run as a Republican and win when you weren't a foreign bisexual action star married to a Kennedy but still banging the ugly maid.  During his tenure there, he signed the first abortion bill and no-fault divorce laws, both of which were devasting to the family structure in the USA.  Essentially, he made murder into contraception and marriage into a social dating contract.

Then he had the gull to run as a pro-life Republican in the primaries against George H.W. Bush who promoted himself as a pro-choice Republican.  He won the primaries, of course, and then had that pro-choice, Kennedy murdering Bush become his Vice President.  Said Vice President then turned around and tried to have him murdered (John Hinckley's parents were very good friends of the Bush family).

He then proceeded to start fighting communism worldwide.   Starting with all the third world countries that weren't equipped to defend themselves against US military might.  He went so far as making deals with Iran in order to fund counter-revolutionary forces, something that should have gotten him impeached.

He even started flooding drugs into the US via the CIA while escalating the war on drugs to the point where many, many people were put in prison for longer terms than rapists and child molesters.

It was under his administration that he granted amnesty for illegal aliens but failed to properly follow up on border enforcement as promised, thus setting the stage for millions more to flood in here and dilute our already fractious national identity.

Under his watch, the United States government started taxing Social Security, thus ensuring that the elderly would get even less money.  It really was a shitty Boomer thing to do to the so-called "Greatest Generation."

It during his presidency that banks greatly expanded credit to the general public, thus ensuring that all future generations would be drowning in debt an turning our entire economic system into a Ponzi scheme.  He also saw the rise of mortgage-backed securities and the 30-year mortgage, which makes owning a home into a long-term lease with the banking system.

Finally, he allowed the rise of sexual education in public schools, thus ensuring the current groomer crisis we face in our school system where teachers are empowered to talk about their deviant, vile, and disgusting sexual behaviors with their students as young as 4 years old.  Keep in mind that teachers are not allowed to teach Christianity to students, because that violates the separation of church and State, but not gossiping about sexuality with a toddler violates said toddler's free speech.  The First Amendment favors the Satanists, not the Christians these days.

I could go on and I'm sure you have your own additions of Reagan's failures as President.  Unfortunately, he's become a sacred cow of the American Right these days, though I think those days are coming to a close.  When the last Boomercon dies, Reagan will probably no longer be regarded as a hero of the American Right.

Because he never conserved anything in the USA and did more to destroy this nation than Bill Clinton or Barack Obama ever did.