Monday, April 18, 2022

Gamestonk 2: Elon Boogaloo

Elon Musk is trying to buy Twitter.  He's given the shareholders the option to sell their shares to him for about double their current market value.

In a truly free market, balls-to-the-wall capitlistic society, Elon would have owned Twitter outright by Easter Sunday.

But Twitter isn't a free market company because the free market only partially exists for small businesses and various assorted medium businesses.  Once your business gets to a certain level, I think the company higher ups have to fuck kids in order to enter the big leagues.  If they refuse, they are either bought out or regulated into a mediocre existance.

Anyway, I'm not a very pro-Elon guy.  While I admire his convictions and his resolve to try and advance humanity forward beyond just our current paradigm.  While electric cars are probably not going to be our future, at least he's out there trying.  And he does appear to believe in the technology.

So when he started to option to buy Twitter, I did applaud that move.  This is because Twitter, like the rest of Big Tech, is run by smug Satanic pedophiles who carry water for their fellow pedophiles who run our government.  If you don't believe me, then clearly you haven't seen anything related to Hunter Biden recently.

The thing is, bringing any kind of "free speech" standards to Twitter is a very low bar to begin with.  Twitter is very much pro-censorship, along with the rest of Big Tech, long before President Trump was elected in 2016.  They were banning people for badthink for years before that incident.  Hell, Andrew Anglin, a self-descrbed white nationalist, was banned from pretty much every Big Tech platform, including PayPal, long before it became fashionable to do so with the likes of Alex Jones.

And I'm not a huge fan Mr. Anglin, but at the same time, I would rather see all the people who disagree with me online in social media instead of seeing that platform ban them.  Because every social media platform has this thing called a block button.  And I'm smart enough to manage my own thoughts.  Big Tech disagrees with me, though.

I doubt Elon will be successful in his efforts to buy Twitter.  But this is like the Gamestop stock selling 2.0.  It probably won't work, but it upsets the elite apple cart, which is not full of apples, but dead babies.

And frankly, I'm enjoying their consistent REEEEE!!!s.   Anything that pokes these assholes in the eye is a win for us be it Russia, Elon Musk, or some random Subreddit user.

On the flip side, say Musk succeeds in buying up Twitter and makes serious changes to their policies and features.  All that means is that the town square of the Internet is back.  But I wouldn't consider signing up for it for at least another year or so.