Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Dwarven Skepticism

In the seventh book of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, The Last Battle, there is a fascinating scene where the dwarves are confronted with the ugly truth about Puzzle the Donkey and Shift's lies.  Realizing that they had been duped by a drunken ape, you would think that the dwarves would suddenly side with the true king of Narnia.

Instead, they decide that they will never be duped again, side with no one, and many of them end up in Heaven.  Except they don't believe its paradise, but a dark, stinky animal barn.

But at least they weren't fooled again, right?

Yesterday, the board of directors at Twitter decided to sell their company to Elon Musk, the world's richest man.  He is the world's richest man because he owns stock in his Tesla and SpaceX companies, with the total shares making him, on paper, very wealthy.  From what I understand, he doesn't actually live that lavesh a lifestyle, just a degenerate one.

In any case, having that kind of value does afford you the ability to take out huge loans for investments since you can just divest your stock options if things go belly up.  So Musk decided to buy Twitter and basically forced the board to sell to him because otherwise he would have bought directly from the shareholders and they would have been sued.

This has been met with a lot of mixed results.  Most of the political left, including much of Twitter, has been screaming in agony over the sale.  The Right has been more of a mixed bag with some believing that Elon will bring about a new age of free speech on the Internet while others believe that Elon is a wolf in sheep's clothing and really just another kind of gatekeeper.

That later group are the ones who behave exactly like the dwarves in Narnia.  They are so afraid of being duped yet again that they have created a protective bubble of cynicism and, ultimately, despair around themselves.

They'll tell you that they are realists, that they understand human nature, and that anyone who is not wholly good is not going to do good.  They'll whine about how this takeover is nothing more than another kind of gatekeeper or that Elon is springing a trap for the Right.  Any excuse that they can have to not hope for a better tomorrow.

Now, I'm not on Twitter anymore.  I deleted my account years ago, mainly because of the censorship and because I just was done with that kind of social media.  And I don't plan on signing up for Twitter anytime soon, if at all.

But I have some hope that Elon will make things better on that platform.  Part of that hope is because Twitter has already set the bar so low that even if Elon makes minor changes to the policy, things will get much better there.  Part of it is because all the right people are angry and afraid for this change, going so far as proclaiming that censorship is good for democracy.

I don't know if this will be a good thing for Twitter or social media as a whole.  I can't possibly know this for certain and neither can you.  But it is a significant change and Musk himself strikes me as more of a pagan than a full-blown Satanist like so many of the Western Oligarchs.  He definitely seemed intringued about Christianity during his Babylon Bee interview, though he could have been high.  It was Sunday, after all.

But I will not be a skeptical, cynical dwarf about all of this.  I've wasted years of my life being a cynical asshole and it only gave me near constant depression and anxiety.  I would rather hope that God is working His Plan through all of this to bring many people around and back to Him.

So have hope and have faith and don't be a dwarf.