Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Beware the Black Pills of November

Yesterday was an off-year election.  If you live in Virginia, like me, then it's an election year for the governor, which is pretty important.

Surprisingly, the Republicans pulled in a huge victory, winning the governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and various delegate races, making Virginia a firmly red state again after 12 long years.

And already the black-pills have come out.  The first thing they are saying is that the victory is nothing more than a psyop meant to make us complacent to electoral fraud.

Which is just the most fucking stupid thing I've ever heard.  Basically, those idiots are saying that we should've let the Satanic child-murderers win so that we can fight them later.

Another attack is that Glenn Youngkin is a RINO.  And yet, these very same fuckwads didn't bother to become a delegate for the convention this year for Virginia's Republican race.  I was and Youngkin wasn't my first choice.  What were you doing?  Jacking off in your basement to your black-pilled tears?

It certainly amazes me how much the black-pillers can see a clear victory and still whine about how it's not a real victory.

Despair is a hell of a drug.  I should know since I struggle with it too.

It's also a sin.

The truth is that I don't know how Youngkin is going to run things.  Worse case is that he's the same as McAuliffe.  But I very much doubt he'll be that bad.  I don't expect him to change the culture, make everyone into good, God-fearing Catholics, or to deport all the black people to Madagascar.

Heck, I'm dubious on his claims of securing future elections.  But he's clearly more than willing to support families over officials and seems to recognize that elected officials are not overseers but public servants.  I know that's old school conservatism, but I'll take old school conservatism over THE NARRATIVE.

The Democrats declared war on everyone who didn't vote for them.  And the thing about wars is that people take it seriously.  When the Attorney General decided to declare parents who didn't like Critical Race Theory being taught in schools "domestic terrorists", while at the same time claiming that CRT is not taught in schools, it was a clear message to the American voter.  That you are opposed to state rule and that if you don't listen to your betters, you will be locked up.

Well, the voters don't like it when you tell them their values don't matter.  They don't like it when they're told their race is evil.  And they certainly don't like it when the destructive policies of THE NARRATIVE lead to sexual assaults and cover-ups of said assaults, people tend to get a little sore.

The big white pill takeaway from this election cycle is that if you get people out there to poll watch and take the whole process seriously, then you have less cheating.  I'm sure there was rampant fraud in Virginia, but Republicans beat it because of voter turnout and because the Republicans made sure that election rules were followed.  The unmasked people getting turned away?  I got a text just before my poll watching shift about it.  And the Registrar called the Chief at the poll station I was observing and told him to allow unmasked to vote.

President Trump told people to poll watch last year.  I imagine if we all had, Trump may have officially won.  But because of what happened last year, people all over this state decided to volunteer to be a poll watcher and there were tons of people watching the polls, even in the early voting stations.  I volunteered for two early voting shifts and the main event myself.

The system may be doomed.  But that doesn't mean we give up.  We fight for our country.  And sure, we may not like the generals who lead us, but you go to war with what you have, not what you wish you had.

Virginia is a huge victory.  Yes, there are many battles to come, but celebrate the victory now.  Don't black pill it all.  Fight for your future.