The voting laws in the United States are completely FUBAR (that’s Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition for you fellow normies out there). And no, I’m not talking about minorities having trouble voting, rampant voter fraud, or the obvious 2020 election theft (this post was flagged as having inaccurate information, according to Satan).
Just basic procedures and conditions should be triggering audits and election decertifications everywhere. I mean, it’s basic stuff really.
For example, if you contest an election and then happen to find enough ballots to win after the polls have closed according to state law, shouldn’t that those votes be tossed, even if they were legit? I’m sorry, but there’s a time limit to all things and once the election polls are closed, there’s no need to keep counting the newly found votes.
And don’t get me started with mail-in voting or just absentee ballots in general. Mailing in votes is just asking for fraud, even the absentee ballots. Ballots should be submitted on election and voters should vote in person with valid picture ID. Why is that so controversial? Yet even Republicans and their dumb supporters are all like, “absentee ballots are perfectly fine”. It’s like the whole illegal versus legal immigrant nonsense. They all go on welfare in the end.
And when voter turnout exceeds about 60%, shouldn’t that trigger an immediate audit as well? Even in countries where not voting is illegal, you still don’t see anywhere near 90% of voter turnout.
And why aren’t the voter rolls purged every year and people are made to re-register to vote by April? We have to file our taxes by then, don’t we? Instead, we have thousands of dead people on the voter rolls sitting there waiting to submit their absentee ballots.
And why can’t we track our ballot? Yes, it’s supposed to be anonymous, but they could give us a designated code that we could use to track the ballot and ensure that our vote was counted correctly? Why is the whole process a fucking black box for us? It’s like trying to find the status of your security clearance or your full credit history. It’s my data, I deserve to know how it was used and what it is.
And lastly, why are there mandatory jail sentences of 10 years or more for election officials who are caught screwing up the procedures outlined to them by law? I mean, seriously, I don’t care if you were an absolute idiot, you fuck up an election, you go to jail. Hell, I’d consider fucking up an electoral process to be high treason.
Sorry for the language, but this is more of the insane stuff that has been going on for a long time now, not just in last year’s election. And still most idiots think it’s all perfectly okay and it doesn’t make much of a difference in the elections. But even a little fraud corrupts the whole process and we need to narrow the voting process and lock it down like it’s a Grabbler’s gold vault.