With the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, largely due to the Biden Administration’s incompetence and continued desire to undue everything that was Trump, a lot of people on the Internet are wondering when the United States is going to fall apart and become a nation again, rather than an empire. What this entails is anyone’s guess, though a lot of people think this means the United States will break apart.
And a lot of people seem almost giddy about it. This is mainly from people who have a more traditional view of culture, which I generally do share. However, they look at the break-up/destruction of the United States as a way to utterly defeat globohomo and move the culture back to its more traditional Christian roots.
Unfortunately, things don’t work out that way. You can destroy a nation, you can even break it apart and cause its people to be subjected to a foreign power and they will still stubbornly cling to their sinful ways.
To pray or hope for the destruction of the United States because a few elites are flying Pride flags is an exercise in despair, not hope. When you celebrate the coming break-up of the United States, you have given up hope for something better.
I don’t presume to understand how God sees us right now. The United States government is big, bloated, and full of corruption at the top right now. And maybe He wants it to be that way in order to motivate Americans to right their own lives and move toward repentance. Or maybe He has washed His hands of us and is letting us stew in our own wickedness. Or maybe He just doesn’t care about our nation as much as we think He does. I don’t know because I am no prophet.
But I have been given some degree of wisdom from Him and I have dedicated a lot of time to reading the Bible. Not just the New Testament, but the Old Testament as well. And the Old Testament has a fairly complete history of the rise and fall of a nation. And it is made clear that after the tribe of Judah, the last remaining Israelites, were finally exiled to Egypt, they continued to worship the Queen of Heaven. When the prophet Jeremiah confronted them, they simply told him that when they did these things in Jerusalem, they prospered. So the wickedness of their people continued in spite of losing everything and having to live in a foreign land.
The fact that globohomo has gained such a foothold is largely because we as a people allowed it to happen. We are guilty of it because of our indifference to it and wanting God to intervene to break up the United States or just wanting the United States to break apart will not fix it nor will it redeem us in God’s eyes.
The good news is that God judges the heart. So maybe there are enough hearts bent toward Him that will allow Him to spare us to some degree. Recall that He did say that for the sake of 10 righteous men, he would spare Sodom.
Things are pretty dark right now in our nation. Foreigners and fakers seem to be running things and nobody appears to fear God or trust in Christ. But I suspect that a lot of that is just gaslighting. The truth is that there are more of us than there are of them, even in our own government.
So I urge you to pray for the restoration of our Nation under God, not for its destruction. Maybe we’ll see God intervene on our behalf and provide us with an miracle or at least an opportunity to redeem us all and save us from desolation. Or we may be like David praying that his child does not die for his sins. Either way, we should not be praying for curses, destruction, and the death of the United States just because globohomo controls everything right now. That is the cowardly thing to do.