I’ve been thinking lately. What has our society gained from the advancement of feminism? When I say the advancement of feminism, I mean the imposition of the feminist ideal as imposed on the state. To be clear, I’m not quite sure what their goals have been, save a few goals, and so I may be shooting blanks here.
First of all, we have the right for women to vote. Of course that should probably be rephrased and instead termed more along the lines of forcing the states to allow women to vote. You see, voting was never denied to women to begin with by the Constitution. Point to me where it said that women can’t vote in the Constitution and I’ll give you a dollar. In fact, there seven states that allowed women to vote before the amendment was passed.
More to the point, what has giving women the right to vote done for this country? It’s not that I don’t think they should have the right to vote, but women are more driven my emotions than men and so they are more likely to vote for someone based on an emotional whim rather than a rational thought. This is not a misogynist attitude, this is merely observation. I have meant plenty of emotionally stable women but at the same time, I’ve meant more who simply aren’t. I’ve dealt with women in leadership who couldn’t understand why we had to cut our budget when the money simply wasn’t there.
Granted, men shoulder a lot of burden for destruction. We have conquered, killed, looted, raped, and assaulted for no real good reason. But at the same time we have created, imagined, invented, and built great things. I remember reading the Female Misogynist blog where she mentioned the invention of forceps. For the whole of human existence, women had generally been taking on birthing children with other women. Then about four hundred years ago a man came along and develops this simple tool to help with the birthing process when things get stuck.
The point is that men are essential for civilization. We are the ones who build things, who go out on the hunt, who lead our families and fellow men for good or evil. Have you ever seen a family where the women is in charge? I mean really in charge, not some stupid family sitcom in charge. I have and let me tell you, it’s not a pretty site. When a man isn’t the head of the house, that house becomes dysfunctional very quickly. There is a solution for women who do not wish to be ruled over by a man: don’t get married to one.
Actually that’s the advice I’d give to any non-religious man. Don’t ever get married in America if you are a man and don’t have a god or God telling you to get married. This is because you are probably going to get divorced and then you’ll lose half your stuff and custody of your children. And then you’ll have to pay your ex-wife to raise the kids that you are somehow unfit to raise. Never-mind that she can’t pay for the little brats and she’ll probably bad mouth you in front of them despite all the money you give her. Does it make any sense to force a father to pay his ex-wife when he could probably afford to take care of them himself?
Of course we can’t forget the single greatest achievement that feminists have claimed in the last 40 years as their greatest accomplishment: the right to scramble the brains of their unborn child. By not having children in the spirit of the terrible god Moloch, abortion has ensured that women can has as much sex as the want without suffering the consequences of bringing new life into this world. So in reality, abortion benefits men and not women because they have no reason to commit as long as the stupid slut keeps on putting out.
I know it was marketed as being about choice, but since when do Leftists care about choice? Seriously, black people are becoming a endangered species because of abortion. Margaret Sanger, the racist founder of Planned Parenthood, would be proud. She spoke in Klan rallies, by the way. So every black baby that is killed in the womb is the fulfillment of the racist agenda of Planned Parenthood. I suppose I could go on about abortion, but I think I’ve said enough offensive things about it.
The latest development, is that feminism causes obesity in children. It turns out working mothers are more likely to have children who are overweight and generally unhealthy in comparison to stay at home moms. This makes sense when you think about it. Working moms have no time to provide healthy meals for their children. Instead they go for the processed food that doesn’t take as long to cook. Also, without a parent around to turn the television off, they’re just going to sit around instead of going outside and running around.
So we have a whole generation of fat, fatherless narcissists raised by absent mothers. The ones that survived their mother’s wrath against the unborn, that is. This is not a formula for prosperity, but destruction. I’m not saying that fathers are better than mothers, but that both are necessary since both usually bring two different aspects of human nature. The fact is, kids will learn how to behave from the examples set by their parents. OK, that last part probably has nothing to do solely with feminism.
Finally, by what metric are we using to measure equality? I know that we are all created equal, but that concept is a Judeo-Christian one that pertains to our state of existence. No single person is equal to another, man or woman. Everyone has different talents, abilities, levels of intelligence, different physical abilities, etc. This means that no single person can do the exact same job as another. Now, I’m fine with equal opportunity, but you better believe that a female firefighter better be able to carry me out of a burning building without help. Otherwise she shouldn’t be doing that job.
The point of all this is that I’m tired of the feminist ideal. It’s been a large part of the rising decadence in our society and has caused more problems than it has resolved. I know that women haven’t had an easy go of things, but to be honest, men generally don’t either. And you don’t hear us bitching about it as much. If you believe in the Bible, you’ll note that your curse is us ruling over you. Ours is having to work hard for our livelihood. I think you got the better curse, especially considering you were listening to that stupid snake.
I know this all seems a bit hateful, but you know, I’m getting sick of the accepted norm, which is proving to be more and more false each and every day. It’s about time that all of us waked up to the reality of how much feminism hasn’t helped at all.