When I got married, my wife had a substantial student loan. Obviously that didn’t deter me from getting married to her, but it was a little disheartening. When my wife was 11 years old, she told her parents that she wanted to go this college. Despite this, her parents didn’t save up enough money to get my wife through college without incurring a large amount of debt.
On the flip side, her parents did go to Disney World 23 times before my wife turned 21. So what should have probably been college savings got dumped down the drain of theme parks (Disney wasn’t the only place), gifts, and other unnecessary indulgences. Now, I’m not against taking your children to any theme park that many times, when you can afford it. Instead, my parents-in-law lived for the moment rather than for the future.
What’s the point of this story? I believe this story reflects a microcosm of the problem the United States faces with Social Security and Medicare. I firmly believe that the elderly are, by and large, too selfish or uncaring to truly see how they have destroyed the future of their children and grandchildren. There are several elderly who have plenty of assets to cover their medical and living expenses and yet they continue to suck out of those big entitlement programs at the detriment of my generation.
All these programs for the elderly are nothing more than giant Ponzi schemes that put Bernie Madoff to shame. I know this is the towing the conservative line but they are completely right on this issue. Next to military spending, which conservatives are wrong on, these programs constitute the biggest part of the Federal budget. This is why cutting earmarks, which is something I support, would end up being nothing more than an hiccup in the over all budget. And the Republican leaders will not tolerate any spending cuts for the military and these major entitlement programs.
In reality, the only way that these generation-destroying programs will ever be reformed is if a large majority of people enrolled drop their enrollment and refuse any more government handouts. I know that there are a lot of people who claim to depend on it, but in all honesty I think most people on Social Security and Medicare could easily get by without it.
As long as the Baby Boom generation insists on getting these government benefits, national bankruptcy is around the corner. And since no prominent group of elderly folks has spoken out against it and expresses a desire to sacrifice for the greater good. Frankly, I find the silence frustrating. Every politician and special interest group seems to be focused on other issues.
In effect, the elderly have declared war on the young by continuing to contribute to this travesty of a program. What is it about 65 years old that requires you to retire and suck on the government’s poisoned nipple for the rest of your life? Why do you insist on having the government take money from me and give it to you?
You folks are nothing more than parasites on society and don’t be surprised when we leave the death panel provision in place. We are sick and tired of this war you have declare on us and we do not wish to be slaves to you just by the virtue that you survived to a certain age. Get off your butts and go back to work you worthless tapeworms and prove that you actually care about your children.