A few days ago, my father mentioned that my blog was a “angry”. I guess what he meant was that my blog was surprisingly much more passionate about things than I am in real life. My wife does complain to me about being an emotional deadbeat, but that’s just how I am in real life I guess.
The truth is, my blog may express my own opinions and those opinions may have a lot of emotional energy behind, but in real life, I don’t really enjoy discussing these things with other people. Mostly because I know that people will disagree with me and they will be taken aback by my opinions. Most churches would probably kick me out for being too radical for their tastes.
I do realize that all of my opinions could be utter garbage. In the face of the Living God, I’m sure now of what I think about life, the universe, and everything is really worthless by comparison (the Apostle Paul referred to such things as shit in his letters). Still, I can’t help but be enraged by the injustices that are thrust upon me and everyone else at every turn.
When you realize that the government is ultimately a worthless institution, that legal force is just an excuse for tyranny, than you begin to see the world in a much different light. And when you see the world in that light, you begin to understand the causes behind many of the injustices that normal, everyday people face.
As a Christian, I believe that we are all fallen and that we all sin. While many Christians disagree on whether some behaviors are sinful (usually, a Christly individual will know, even if he or she doesn’t admit it), there is a general consensus that mankind is a wicked species. Somehow, knowing the difference between good and evil without the wisdom to truly understand why there is good and evil has tainted us to our very core.
Most Christians in Western culture will argue that this is why we need a government that is accountable to the people. But what if the people are suffering from some kind of mass insanity? Certainly such a phenomenon exists, as exhibited by 1930s Germany, so that whole idea falls apart. And most certainly the individual is wicked and power in the hands of the individual will corrupt even the most holy of men.
This is why I am mostly sympathetic to the anarchists, though I am not wholly one myself in the traditional sense. While I would certainly welcome the rise of a stateless society, it does not mean that I believe such a system would be a kind of Utopia. Man is imperfect and therefore any system or non-system of government will be imperfect.
But the problem as I see it is that the more government you have, the more wicked people will use it to their own ends. A great example is how there are a lot of Muslim terrorist organizations infiltrating the Federal government with the goal of establishing Sharia Law. Personally, I believe that any standard of laws that has to be imposed by force is ultimately an illegitimate form of laws because if people don’t want to live under it on their own, then they will hate it if is force upon them.
But if there was a much smaller government, this wouldn’t be much of a problem at all. If there was no government, a stateless society, I doubt Sharia Law would be much of threat because it would have to stand on it’s own merit.
I guess what gets me angry is that people don’t see things my way. I know that’s petty, but honestly, don’t you all do the same in things that you are passionate about? So if I come off as angry, it is because I am angry but better in print than in blood.