I found this little tidbit on the news wire:
Nearly one in 10 Americans is depressed, and one in 30 meet the criteria for major depression, with the rate higher among the unemployed and those who can't work, a study said Thursday.
Nine percent of more than 235,000 adults surveyed between 2006 and 2008 across 45 U.S. states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, met the criteria for depression, and 3.4 percent for "major" depression, according to the study by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Among people who classified themselves as unable to work, nearly a quarter -- 22 percent -- met the criteria for major depression, as did nearly 10 percent of those who said they were unemployed.
You know, it makes me wonder about this nation. I have absolutely no sympathy or compassion for people who are depressed. This may seem to be cruel or uncaring, but the truth is I care about as much for other people’s problems as everyone else does.
To me, depression is a sign that people are incredibly self-absorbed and then realize the truth about their delusion. Life is not easy, yet many people insist that it should be, to the point of killing millions in order to achieve that goal. But nobody ever stops and thinks that maybe there is more to life than their own pathetic problems and that maybe, just maybe, if they let these things go, their lives would be much better.
Sure, I get depressed from time to time, sometimes I have good reason to be, other times I do not. But I’m not going to wallow in my own selfish sadness. That is pride and it is the blackest of all sins. Yes, there is a slight pointlessness to life, but you have to accept things for what they are and move forward.
I still can’t believe that people are so wrapped up in their own pathetic sadness that they can’t even work or function normally. Why the heck are we doing all these medications anyway? All they seem to be good for is pushing kids into going on shooting rampages.
Look, life is not hard. Yes it is tedious and offers few joys, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a complete wuss about it. It is high time that we all started acting like adults and dealt with our problems rather than cower in the center of the village and cry about it.