There's an old joke that Bill Cosby said (and one of the few ones with explicit language). Basically, he asked someone why you would use cocaine and that person said it's because it enhances your personality to which Cosby responds, "Yeah, but what if he's an asshole?"
This is what the social Internet has done to the dumb masses out there. It's gotten so bad that many people have coined the term cyberbullying to describe the attacks on kids. Weak-minded losers are literally committing suicide over it (with apologies to the weak-minded friends and family members of said 'victim'). Apparently, there is so much at stake in having some random stranger validate your opinions or feelings. We put so much self-esteem into these strangers and for what? A better status on some social website?
I admit I've fell into this trap numerous times myself, so I acknowledge this could just be a post that is reflecting some hidden self-loathing. Also, I fully acknowledge the irony of complaining about the social Internet on a blog.
In truth, the anonymous Internet, from the social websites like Facebook and MySpace, to the multiplayer online games like World of Warcraft and Second Life, has allowed an environment where people can be themselves without fear of retribution. And what I've seen thus far is usually ugly and nasty.
In the past I've complained about online posters, but this goes beyond just simple whining. I've observed people who say things they would never dare say to your face because they'd probably find themselves lying on the floor and missing some teeth within half a second. In short, most cyberbullies are really just losers and cowards who have nothing better to do than to torment people they disagree with.
Folks, I have no problems with any aspect of the social Internet. I think it is a wonderful thing for people to have because there are plenty of people who really are kind-hearted out there. There are forums where debates don't devolve into insults, name-calling, or bullying. There are blogs where the users who comment are intelligent and reasonable. But usually these things come at the discretion of the user. I can tell you that my blog will outright ban any idiot who comes in with insults rather than actual arguments.
I can disagree with people and have a reasonable argument. But when someone devotes their time to harass and insult me, rather than simply discuss their disagreements with me, I ignore them. It's taken me a while to realize this and that some people are just plain assholes. It's probably because I was naive to think that words alone could change people for the better. The bottom line here is that bullies will be bullies and while the Internet can open up the doors for more of them, it also has given you the power to ignore them.
So if you see me anywhere out there in the social Internet and I don't respond to some asshole's comments that are directed at me, know that it isn't cowardice. It is simply me walking away because I don't have the time nor the desire to feed the beast, so to speak. I don't mind debates, but I also don't suffer fools.
However, if I do encounter any one of you bullies in real life, you better be prepared for a laughter and scorn from me. You folks are all pathetic losers who deserve outright scorn. As the saying goes, "Flog a mocker and the simple will gain prudence."