Unlike a good parasite, which keeps the host barely alive, Socialism tends to destroy it:
Global youth unemployment has hit a record high following the financial crisis and is likely to get worse later this year, the International Labor Organization (ILO) said Thursday.
The report from the ILO says 81 million out of 630 million 15-24 year olds where unemployed at the end of 2009, some 7.8 million more than at the end of 2007.
Thursday marks the first day of the UN International Youth Year; the ILO warned these trends will have "significant consequences for young people as upcoming cohorts of new entrants join the ranks of the already unemployed."
The world risks a crisis legacy of a "lost generation" of young people who dropped out of the job market, the organization added in its report.
When I finally grow up and begin to collect Social Security, I’ll openly declare war on the young. After all, it’s what the previous generation did to me and it’s how they raised me. Why should I care about what my children want or desire? I should be stealing from them as much as I can in order to enjoy my twilight years because I am probably going to Hell.
The sad fact is, this is all the fault of the Socialist ideal. When you start giving away free money for the sake of fighting poverty or whatever bullshit you’ve concocted to trick people, you run the risk of seeing less and less productive people making money and more people simply demanding money from you. Between the benefits for the elderly, like Social Security and Medicare, along with a higher mandated minimum wage, it is quite clear that the elderly hate the young.
All these young people out of work will mean the elderly will be dying in the streets waiting for their government handouts because they’re too stupid to find a better way or vote for a better way. Wisdom does come with age and as a young person myself, I say this with the full confidence of shared experience. Any idiot can learn from his or her mistakes, it takes a wise person to learn from the mistakes of others.
And I’ve seen the mistakes of two worthless generations who never gave a damn about my generation and now they act surprised when we’re more interested in video games, pop culture, and getting laid than things that really do matter. It’s your fault this country is failing. Heck, we’ve only been working for less than a decade now. I’ve not earned the privilege of wasting my time all day with frivolous meetings that don’t go anywhere.
And when this country collapses and you find yourselves starving on the streets, I’m not going to help you. You have a tendency to bite the hand that feeds you.