By now, everyone who pays attention to current new feeds has heard of the Mosque that people are building at Ground Zero. Well, I guess it’s long past time that I weigh in on it and demonstrate what I believe to be the correct case in these matters.
First of all, I once heard that Understanding is a three-edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth. With everything, there is always some elements of truth in another’s argument, but truth alone doesn’t make any side right, just provides a clearer picture of what is going.
From what I can understand, the issue is that a Muslim organization is building a Mosque near the Ground Zero site in New York City. They have bought the property there and are planning on building a 15-story Mosque. Here are some observations I have on this whole subject matter:
- First of all, the Mosque is probably being funded by some Saudi prince overseas. There is no other way I can think of that a Muslim organization would be able to fund the project in New York City where property values are sky high. This is more of a reason to demand the government deregulate the energy industry and allow us to start drilling for more oil and refining it domestically.
- The Mosque is being built as a symbol of conquest, more than likely. Despite the smiling faces and the dotting eyes of the Muslim leaders who are building this, they are doing it only to mock us. You’re a fool if you don’t think they are because I’m sure there will be Muslim leaders overseas laughing at us for our gullibility. In the Medieval times (not the restaurant), they would usually place crescent moons in place of crosses on churches in lands they conquered. After butchering the people living there.
- Despite it being a symbol of conquest, they are perfectly within their right to build this Mosque. If you are a firm believer in property rights, than you have to accept that some people are going to build things that are distasteful to many others.
- If anything, this whole issue has again demonstrated that conservatives are truly Statists. If they truly believed in liberty and freedom, they’d allow this Mosque to be built without complaint and instead come up with alternative solutions to prevent such a thing from happening again.
- Many supporters of this Mosque has said it is about religious freedom. Unfortunately, this perverts the true issue at heart, which is property rights. But since most of them are Leftists, they tend to also point out that the people who oppose it are bigots, which is also untrue and demonstrates their own ignorance.
- President Obama is a complete moron for supporting it. He should have responded by simply stating that it was a local issue that he has no interest in getting involved in.
I guess that last point highlights my own stance. I don’t care whether a Mosque goes up there or not. I know I am way out of the mainstream on this but that’s how I view it. That’s probably why I didn't really weigh in on the issue because I wasn’t all that interested in it. But since everyone and their momma has weighed in it, I guess I should.
Plus, it was Sunday and I didn’t have anything else to talk about today…