Tuesday, August 24, 2010

The Greed of Our Forefathers

The war on the young continues.  The elderly continue to believe the lie that they paid into the "system" and that they deserve the pay outs.  Specifically, they are talking about Medicare and Social Security.

Setting aside the mathematics involved in proving the elderly wrong, let's look at this from another angle.  First of all, to say that you paid into the system is a lot like saying you allowed a thief to take a little bit of your income, in lieu of taking your possessions, with the promise that you would be paid back when you reached a certain age.

Don't like the analogy? Fine, I can be blunt. You let the government take your money (and yes, you let them because you never bothered to vote for people would have undone those programs) with the expectation that you would get the money back. What is absurd about this is that you actually believed that they would pay you back and that you considered yourself incapable of doing it on your own.

Most wealthy people don't count on Social Security and Medicare. I know, they're rich, so what do they care, but honestly it seems to me that they probably never banked on it when they were playing out their retirement portfolios.

Now we see a nation deeply in debt to banks, a government deeply in debt to banks and foreign governments, and you morons sit there and demand your share. But there is no share because the government is officially over 13 trillion in debt right now. Do you honestly think that the government is going to pay you when push comes to shove?

Every Social Security statement I receive every year now has stated that if the system is not reformed, I will be receiving about 3/4 of what I would've received had I retired now. Since I'm no where near 65 right now, it looks like I've been screwed over.

But while I fully expect to be screwed over by the government that rules over us with an iron scepter, I expected my elders to have more sense. Many of them grew up during the Great Depression and yet they raised one of the most selfish and hedonistic generations in United States history.

So long as the prevailing attitude of the elderly is that they paid into the system and therefore deserve to be paid out, our nation will collapse in short order. What I am saying is that you, the retired elderly living on Social Security and Medicare, are responsible for the downfall of the United States and ruining my future.

And yet there is no shame, not even a formal apology. Just a continual demand that I pay you for your own irresponsibility and slothfulness. It makes me sick and tells me that the elderly are no better than fools. There is no wisdom to be gained from either the Greatest Generation or the Baby Boom Generation. There is, however, a lesson: as long as you allow the government to take care of you, you will always end up screwing over someone else, more than likely your own children.