Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Shirley Sherrod Factor

This whole Shirley Sherrod incident demonstrates how many scumbags are out there when it comes to politics.  While I don’t have all the information on the entire incident, because I hardly pay much attention to pop news, I can make several observations with regards to what has happened.

Ultimately, we have a woman who has lost her job due to a misunderstanding.  The misunderstanding was created by an edited video that was made prominent by Andrew Breitbart, who was eager to paint the NAACP as racist, and in his zeal, he got a woman fired.

But Breitbart isn’t alone in the blame game here.  There are many others who are to blame for what has happened:

  • Obviously Andrew Breitbart is to blame.  He has yet to apologize, as far as I can tell, and he continues to point blame to the NAACP and how the issue should be about them.  Mr. Breitbart, with all due respect, shut the Hell up about that.  You should have scrutinized any videos that come your way before you post them online.  You need to formally apologize to Shirley Sherrod as a matter of integrity and common decency.  Admit that you got a little zealous and accidently disrupted an innocent individual’s life as a result.  I hear that you have $100,000 sitting around as a reward for any videos depicting the Tea Party shouting at the Congressional Black Caucus the ‘N-word’.  Why don’t you give that to her instead?
  • Whoever gave Andrew Breitbart the video to begin with.  I don’t know what your motivations are, if you were setting him up, or if you were hoping to get away with lying in order to further the conservative cause, you’re a jerk.  Whatever your motivations were, I think you acted in a very disrespectful manner and you need to come forward and apologize and not make any damn excuses for it.
  • The USDA needs to apologize for jumping the gun on her firing.  Seriously, this was purely politically motivated and tantamount to McCarthyism, something all you liberals in government despise to this day.
  • Anyone who keeps on defending Andrew Breitbart.  What he did was wrong and you all know this.  You’re a moron if you think that by redirecting the debate to the NAACP and the Obama administration will resolve any of this.
  • Anyone who uses this incident to attack the right-wing.  This was not the entire right-wing who did this, but a select set of individuals.

The Right needs to be better than this.  I know that Andrew Breitbart has gotten the Left’s goat in the past in big ways (heck, he probably brought down ACORN with those wonderful videos) and I do respect a lot of his work.  That being said, I do not like it when people do not admit when they were wrong and formally apologize.

If anything, this whole incident has highlighted just how messed up the conservative movement currently is.  Instead of holding each other accountable, we are circling the wagons.  And that is the sad state of affairs in this whole matter.

On a side note, if that is all it takes to get government workers fired, maybe I should get some videos of the SEC heads, among others, and make it look like they’re racists.  Because apparently looking at pornography all day isn’t enough to get you fired when you work for the Federal government.