The Democrats have done a terrible job at running the Federal government for these past four years. Under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and now Barack Hussein “Obama” Soetoro, they have exacerbated the economic problems our nation faces, expanded government power, and done absolutely nothing to stop the state of perpetual war we are in, though they promised us all this. Not that I am all that surprised by these outcomes because I’ve always known that they would expand Federal power and maintain the existing machine. They like big government, after all, and it isn’t in their nature to scale anything back.
So given that we have a two-party system and a large populace that is outright angry with our current set of leaders, you’d think the Republican party would have a solid platform to stand on and be able to present their own alternatives to the issues we are facing. Instead, when I visit the RNC website (, I see nothing about what they plan for the Federal government or America, but I do see a link to the 2008 campaign. As an aside, I see a section called ‘GOP Women’ which is a stupid attempt at appeasing feminist and idiots who agree with them. You will always be considered a party of sexists in their eyes, so don’t even bother trying to appeal to them.
Right now, it is July of 2010. Many of the candidates for the House and the Senate have been chosen to run against their Democrat counterparts and it is high time you all get your act together and start offering better alternatives than what the Democrats are offering via their governing policies. You cannot rely on talk radio show pundits such as Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity to hold your water for you. In fact, they wouldn’t do that if you would actually articulate and emphasize your party’s principles more when you make public appearances. Instead, all we get is a bunch of pandering and vague arguments on your party’s stances. At least the Democrats have a coherent ideology and they govern based on it.
A good start would be to bring Governor Chris Christi in and ask him to provide some ideas. He makes me want to move to New Jersey, until I remember that this is New Jersey and that he hasn’t succeeded in getting rid of the ridiculous number of overpaid bureaucrats his state has to offer yet.
Between the economic mess, the nationalization of health care, the oil spill fiasco, and the numerous potential scandals that plague Barack Hussein “Obama” Soetoro, you have a golden opportunity here to present better ideas, better courses of action, and retake both houses of Congress. The Democrats would easily have already gained huge approval ratings (probably in the 80% range) by now with all the crap that is going.
And please, don’t whine about how the mainstream press won’t give you a fair shake. They won’t but that shouldn’t stop you from numerous grassroots campaigns and getting your message out on the streets. Forget the mainstream media. They are dying a slow death anyway. Once the majority of the Baby Boom generation is drooling on themselves in a nursing home, they’ll all be bankrupt anyway.
Seriously, is it part of the Republican party platform to shoot yourself in the face every time a golden opportunity is presented? You all need to push back and show absolutely no political mercy. Politics is the socialization of conflict, where instead of swords you use words. And so far, you lack any coherent message that could make me or any other more independent minded voter pick your people.
Stop relying on the Tea Party movement and on talk radio and do your job. Get out and present your ideas to the American people because you will win if you present them. Any time a rational side presents itself openly, it always wins out. Stop being reactionary and start being pro-active.
Or you could just repeat the same mistakes you made in 2004, where you won but assumed that you would continue to win based on being slightly better than Democrats. People won’t see a clear and distinct difference between Democrats and Republicans if you do not present your ideas to the voting public.
In other words, wake the hell up and stop squandering your golden opportunity to make things right again.