Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Pestilence of “Post”-Modernism Theology

So I had heard about this in whispers and rumors, but today I bothered to look it up:

Basically, we have a “post”-modern response to a very serious theological question.  No matter what God has said throughout the Bible, in both the Old and New Testament, it’s your opinion on salvation is what matters.  After all, we have in determining where we go when we die, depending on our beliefs.

But let me ask you this, to all you out there who believe in this nonsense: if someone believes that his path of murder and mayhem leads to salvation with his goat mother god, would he achieve it through your murder?

If you saw a god or saw God and this being told you the way to salvation, wouldn’t you believe that over all others?  If not, then you’d at least believe in no salvation, right?

I know, by faith, that God has secured his salvation through the death and resurrection of his Son Jesus.  I don’t completely understand it on a rational level, as such things are a great mystery to me, but He proclaimed to men who were tortured and killed for such a claim.  If it was a lie, then these men would not have risked and sacrificed so much for it.

Look, whether you accept it or not, that’s up to you.  Every individual must discover the Gospel in their own way (or rather, God’s own way) and I will not browbeat it into you.  That’s not my calling anyway.

But for those of use who believe, we have to stand firm in our faith in the salvation from Jesus.  Sadly, I’m afraid that what George Bush says in this interview is either cowardice, ignorance, or just downright lies.  In any case, it surely indicates that he wasn’t a solid Christian then and he probably isn’t one now.  I pray that he sees the light.

In the meantime, here’s my rebuke to President Bush: