You know, there’s very few songs that fit a person almost perfectly, much less a President. But I think I’ve found the perfect one for our current president. It’s King Nothing by Metallica. Let’s break it down, shall we?
Wish I may, wish I might
Have this I wish tonight
Are you satisfied?
Dig for gold, dig for fame
You dig to make your name
Are you pacified?
All the wants you waste
All the things you've chased
It seems to me that our glorious jester wanted nothing more than to be president. I’ve said it before, I think he liked the idea of being president more than knowing what the actual job entails. He probably regrets it now and it’s really beginning to show, in pure narcissistic fashion that seems to be characteristic of all amateur politicians.
Then it all crashes down
And you break your crown
And you point your finger
But there's no one around
Just want one thing
Just to play the king
But the castle's crumbled
And you're left with just a name
Where's your crown, King Nothing?
Again, this reiterates his whole wanting to ‘play’ president rather than ‘be’ president. The difference is staggering. While he isn’t the first to do this, nor will he probably be the last, he is definitely the first in my lifetime. However, now that he’s been exposed as an incompetent buffoon for his mismanagement of an unconstitutional war, terrorist strikes, oil spills, and his recent childish firing of a general over a perception of insults, it’s clear that his castle has crumbled and he’s pointing fingers.
I heard one talk radio show host refer to Obama as our first teenager President (I think it was Rush Limbaugh, but apologies if it was really Michael Savage). He has all the maturity of a teenage boy who’s just been promoted to manage a Starbucks. Obama, the ‘Prez’, is nothing more than a spiteful child and this latest incident with McChyrstal proves it. If President Bush had done this, would anyone have thought it was appropriate? Most pundits would be attacking him for having thin skin.
Obama is our very King Nothing-in-Chief. Kudos to Metallica for prophesying his rise to power in the mid-90s with this song (I’m joking there, in case you’re too dense to figure it out), and it’s one of the better ones to boot: