Monday, May 3, 2010

Pro-Life Voters: The Black Voters For Republicans

Today I got a surprise when Dr. James Dobson decided to endorse Rand Paul over Trey Grayson for Senate.  While I am thrilled that James Dobson has joined the dark side of conservatism, I believe that he did it for the wrong reasons.

Pro-Life voters, you see, are like the black voters for Republicans.  They almost always vote for the Republican, no matter what the stances of said candidate.  Heck, this guy could support taking money from the productive class and dumping it onto the looters and moochers and these gullible morons would vote for him.  They are the “value voters” that the mainstream press spoke so contemptuously of back in 2004.

Understand that I don’t hold that kind of contempt for such people.  I understand their heart and their desire.  I think abortion is probably one of the greatest evils of our time and it’s no wonder that it is compared to the worship of Moloch (you know, the god that required child sacrifices).  I do sympathize with their view and I would like nothing more than to see abortion done away with.

But I’m no fool.

Abortion you see, is not a problem brought about by the government.  The government reflects the attitudes of the people, usually the darker side of things, but a reflection nonetheless.  It does not matter if the government is a monarchy or a democracy, the leaders have to embody the people’s own attitudes, otherwise they will not be leaders for very long.

Abortion is merely a symptom of a culture that has forsaken a reverence for God.  Even if that reverence was only lip service, it was something.  It meant that the prevailing attitude among people was that God’s Will was right.

These days, our culture has substituted God’s Will with our own.  Everything that has anything to do with entertainment or popular fades has almost absolutely nothing to do with God.  Even the mainstream television shows that has something to do with God or good and evil really get it wrong.  If only Hollywood would just take their time and read the Bible in its entirety.  At least they’d get something right.

Since this problem is not a government problem, but a societal one, then isn’t it logical instead to focus on evangelism and spreading God’s Word?

Not that we shouldn’t vote for God-fearing men, but when that God-fearing man demands that I pay so that others don’t have to work or I go to jail, I begin to question his commitment to God.

While I appreciate Dr. James Dobson’s endorsement of Rand Paul, I am sorely disappointed in his reasons.  It is high time that we recognized that the government lacks moral authority of any kind, no matter who is in charge, and that we look to ourselves to make the changes necessary while looking to God for guidance.

Still, I’ll take it for now.  I’m not a purist zealot, after all.