Friday, May 21, 2010

Our Warmongering Half-Cracker President

President Obama must really enjoy war.  He has declared war on just about everything and keep the status quo going.  It’s really not a surprise that our half-white President has decided to keep the wars going because that’s how the big government is maintained.

The government thrives when there is an enemy to fight.  So long as we are in some kind of a crisis in some capacity, we will always be suffering under the cold iron fist of a tyrant in some form or another.

Think about it.  In the whole history of our societal wars, the solution has always been bigger government for our own safety.  Why does it not seem to be working?  The Drug War, started by President Nixon, has been kept up by Democrats and Republicans alike.  When it comes to brass tax, the Democrats are quick to condemn drug use despite having been heavy users themselves back in the day.

The war on poverty has been a huge failure as well.  The main reason behind this is because the government is constantly raising the standards and stating that the poverty level in America is higher and higher every year.  Another factor is that they base the measure of poverty solely on income and not on equity, which is the real standard of success.  For those of you who don’t know what equity is, it’s the difference between total value of what you own minus your total debt.  That is the true measure of wealth in any society.  Income is used by the government, however, because the data already collected through taxation and it’s fairly easy to spin it.

The war on terrorism appears to be a rallying failure.  So far, the government has occupied foreign nations with a marginal degree of success, failed to understand the true nature of Whabbism and it’s relation to radical Islam, and hasn’t bothered to close down our borders and deny visas to all foreigners who come from Islamic countries.  That is the only way we will stop the terrorists from attacking us. We’ve been lucky so far in that most of the recent terror attacks were perpetrated by morons.  Of course, our military seems to lack enough sense to allow guns on their bases, which makes them a prime target for shootings.

President Obama inherited these failing wars, but to simply call him a warmonger for maintaining those is a bit of a stretch, I admit.  But every new President needs a new war and so Obama has declared war on private industry.  In other words, he has declared war on the producers, failing to understand that his misplaced idealism only works in fantasy land and in the real world, such policies are parasitic.  Every good parasite knows you don’t kill the host, but Obama is too stupid to realize this.  Or maybe he just doesn’t care.  In any case, he has declared open season on private companies.

Our President is a lot like the last few Presidents we’ve had: a man in a suit with a lot of empty words and misplaced action.  For every evil in the world, real or perceived, our President vows to stamp it out with his boot.  But sooner or later that boot will turn on us because sociopaths always need someone to abuse.

(On a side note: if anyone is offended by me calling our President a “half-cracker”, keep in mind that he had a white mother who raised him along with his white grandparents.)