Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I Am NOT Blogging About Kagan

Despite what you might think, I am not going to blog about Elena Kagan.  This whole dog and pony show has been done before with Sonia Sotomayor.  I mean, after all, there is nothing new under the sun.  King Solomon knew what he was talking about then.

Look, you can’t make me talk about her.  She’s old news already.  You can’t make me talk about how she’s probably a lesbian, much like Janet Napolitano probably is.  She just gives off this vibe, you know?  Maybe it’s the manly haircut or the broad shoulders, but there’s something there.

I am not going to talk about her lack of experience as a judge.  Unlike most other career paths, I tend to view good government workers as those who are more inexperienced because that tends to be how things work in the “public” sector where nothing makes sense anyway.  If anything her lack of judicial experience makes her more qualified, not less so.

I absolutely refuse to discuss her blatant disregard for freedom of speech by writing that it needs to be limited when it’s “hate” speech.  You know, if you can’t express your hatred, wouldn’t you just bottle it up instead and release in a hail of gunfire later?  Sometimes these liberal elites don’t have a freaking clue about reality.  It’s bad enough that they target people like me as being too radical or over the top, but when they suggest that it’s OK to limit or stop offensive speech, it’s a good idea.  Well, by that line of logic, so was Hitler’s ideas on speech.  As was Stalin’s , Mao’s, Pol Pot’s, Castro’s, Peron’s, Chavez’s, Putin’s, the BBC’s, etc.

It doesn’t matter to me one bit that Barack Obama picked her.  I mean, yeah, he’s a communist Democrat and a communist Democrat is going to choose a communist to fill an important seat.  It makes no difference to me that he’s replacing a liberal for a liberal (the former having been picked by a Republican).  John Paul Stevens was old anyway and I’m surprised he’s lived this long.  I’m not going to mention his deal with Satan to make that happen.

I am not going to talk about how the Republican Senators who will stand at her confirmation hearings will not stand on principle.  I will not mention that the majority of the Republicans in the Senate are spineless weenies who deserve contempt from their constituents.  It seems to me that they have no desire to stand up for their own principles, other than money and their various schemes to make it through legislation.  I will not say that Democrats do the same, they are just more honest about it.

I cannot mention her stance on gays in the military.  Frankly, I don’t think the fact that the United States armed forces doesn’t allow gays is their problem: it’s the sheer size (over 800 Billion dollars budgeted) that is the issue I have versus the return in investment we get from them.  If she actively tried to keep recruiters off the Harvard campus because of the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy, so what?  I thought we were for freedom of speech.  I won’t mention that many conservatives are not for it just as much as liberals are not for it.

In summary, I refuse to talk about Elena Kagan and her nomination by Barack Obama.  I will not make any observations on her because it’s the same old tired song and dance we’ve been through before.  It’s boring.

Sorry, I just won’t do it.