Monday, May 17, 2010

The End Of Freedom Is At Hand

It looks like the rule of law is nothing more than the meaningless whims of a select few now.  If you have not heard, the Supreme Court ruled today that the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act was declared to be constitutional.  Specially, the portion where the Federal government can detain “sexually dangerous” inmates after they have served their sentences.  In other words, just because you have paid your debt to society in a certain state, the Federal government can still lock you up if they deem you to be dangerous.

And thus, my friends, is the end of the rule of law in America.  With the President able to assassinate any American citizen suspected of terrorism, or at the very least detain them without due process, and with Congress more interested in spending the Federal government into oblivion instead of making the hard choices that we need to make in order to survive, such as cutting spending.

The Supreme Court has effectively, driven probably one of the final nails in the coffin of this country by ruling this way.  And for what?  To ensure that because certain states didn’t do their job when it comes to sexual predators, they get to pick up the pieces?

What about all the people who are unjustly accused of such crimes?  For example, what if a 20-year-old man begins dating a 17-year-old girl, but doesn’t marry her until she’s 18, which is the Federal age of consent.  But what if the girl’s mother doesn’t approve of the relationship and decides to send him to prison on grounds of statuary rape.  Is that person a “sexually dangerous” person?

And please, don’t tell me that the law will make considerations for that.  Bureaucrats and state and Federal attorneys tend to live by the belief that the system is a machine and they are nothing more than the instruments of that machine.  They hardly ever thing for themselves and would rather send a person to jail than to violate the law of the machine.

Hey, I guess that’s what we are now.  We are now no longer under the rule of law, but under the law of the machine.  If 7 out of 9 justices believe that it is OK to lock people up indefinitely, I guess there is nothing to save.  Our civilization has devolved into a tyranny where the elections are nothing more than a game rather than the preservation of liberty and freedom.

The sad fact is, our enlightened government was probably doomed from the beginning.  There were just too many loopholes that the Founding Fathers hadn’t considered or just didn’t want to address in the United States Constitution.  They were more concerned with preventing an all out break up of the Republic as designed under the Articles of Confederation.  In fact, one could argue that within a few decades, our freedoms and liberty guaranteed under the Constitution were already eroding.  It was just a matter of time really.

Now that the executive branch has all the tools at its disposal to create a dictatorship, or something worse, it looks like it’s all over.  With the economy failing, the media supporting the government at all costs, regardless of their conservative or liberal slant, and the majority of populace completely ignorant of the reality of economics, we should see a dictatorship rise up soon.

Each action taken by the government has serious consequences to our freedom and liberty.  This ruling is nothing more than the government confirming what those elites have always believed: that we are subjects to the state and justice has no meaning.  Only the state has meaning.