For once I am going to do something that I don’t normally do and cut our President some slack. When it comes to the British Petroleum oil spill in the Gulf, Obama should not be considered to be at fault for either the accident, as some are suggesting, or for the subsequent response.
I am getting sick and tired of hearing conservatives on the radio day in and day out harp on how Obama hasn’t done this or how he’s acting like a child instead of leader in this situation. I am tired of hearing about how he isn’t doing enough to stop it and doesn’t know what he’s doing.
Now, we’ve lost any hope of offshore drilling for at least a couple of years because of it. You demanded that Obama, that the government, do something about this and they did. Seriously, what did you expect when it comes to a bunch Left-wing Statists?
Look, I am a pro-limited to no government kind of guy. In my opinion, the worse thing that can happen is if the government steps in and does something, no matter how good a job it actually ends up being. Sooner or later, you’ll pay a serious price for it because the government always oversteps its authority in the end. That’s the nature of the beast.
So when Obama wasn’t doing anything about the oil spill, I was actually supporting our President in his enormous non-effort. That meant that BP was on the clock to fix the problem and since they are nothing but a bunch of greedy business tycoons, they have a much greater incentive to fix this problem as quickly and cleanly as possible. The government, on the other hand, would only have the motivation that was equal to the anger of the voting public, which on a national scale doesn’t amount to much. And usually the national politicians are so full of themselves, that they don’t listen to their people anyway. That’s why it’s called representative democracy, where the leaders only pretend to listen when it comes time for their performance reviews.
As for this whole Bobby Jindal thing about not being able to do something because of Obama, don’t you think that if it was a huge deal, he should’ve done it anyway? The truth is, if something is that urgent, I would do it and ask for forgiveness after the fact. It is easier to ask for forgiveness than to ask for permission. So obviously, it wasn’t that urgent to Bobby Jindal until after it was too late and now he placing blame on Obama in order to score political points.
That’s how the game is played though. Take his outrage for what it’s worth.
Lastly, I am severely disappointed in the so-called conservatives on the radio about this whole thing. They really have laid into the President on this crisis and acted as though the government was suppose to take care of this. Show me where exactly in the Constitution it says that the Federal government should protect the business interests of fishermen. Show me where it says that we should expect the President to clean up the messes of a private entity.
This is largely why I’ve pretty much left conservatism behind and stayed true to my core being as a liberty-minded sovereign individual rather than someone who expects the government to be capable of doing good. It’s really disheartening to see all these pundits talk about limited government but demand that the government handle something that the private market can and is handling on its own.
So I say, good job on this one Mr. President. Please stay out of everything else and I may even vote for you in 2012. Apathy and lethargy are the qualities I look for in a national leader and they are a virtue under the Constitution.