Sunday, January 3, 2010

Foreign Policy Taboos

Now that a Democrat is in the Whitehouse, it seems that the foreign policy views of the Democrat leaders more or less match up with the neo-conservatives that preceded them.  That’s right, for the liberal Democrat leadership, it wasn’t about being against war and for peace, but merely because a Republican was doing the warmongering.  I wish I could say I was surprised, but I wasn’t at that point because I remembered that all Democrat leaders in the past have never shied from war.  It is only when a Republican commits to a war effort that they suddenly join the picket line.

Now that President Obama basically agrees with conservatives and neo-conservatives (aka Statists claiming to be conservative), conservatives have a peculiar position of agreeing with a President they generally disagree with on pretty much every issue.  It really has them in deep water now that power has changed hands to a devout leftist.  I mean, if you don’t support the President, do you also not support the war and the troops?

Many conservatives and neo-conservatives have started calling for a complete withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan on the grounds that President Obama isn’t going to take this conflict seriously.  I fully agree with this argument because ever since President Truman, Democrat Presidents haven’t been interested in victory, only war.  And the best way to maintain a continuous war is to fight a mediocre one against your enemies at the expense of the lives of our troops.

But there are still plenty of conservatives and neo-conservatives who are calling for wars in Iran and Yemen now, despite our troops already being over-extended, our occupations being recruitment tools for terror networks, and our nation hopelessly in debt.  All of these points, though, are taboo to these kind of people.  The latest example is when Ben Stein stated that Ron Paul was making an anti-Semitic statement for not wanting to attack Yemen.  It is clear that the warmongers are reaching for any excuse they can.

The warmongers do not want to hear that even if that is not our intention, we are perceived as occupiers by most of the world in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The terror networks are able to play upon this and recruit more members that way.  A denial of this fundamental truth will only damage our efforts to defeat an enemy.  Instead of denying that we are occupiers, maybe you should consider that a better solution must be obtained.  At least hire a marketing firm to create a pro-America campaign in the Muslim world.

But to even suggest a potential problem we face in this “war on terror” is taboo among the warmongers.  Instead we are to simply crush our enemies, but not the civilians and if we capture them alive, we are to just imprison them indefinitely.  Any sane person could tell you that this is not how you win a war.  You must understand that war is about killing more of your opponent’s men than they kill yours.

I use to be a pro-war man.  I believed that our attacks on Iraq and Afghanistan were justified.  For the most part, I still believe that Afghanistan was justified, but Congress didn’t bother to write a formal declaration of war to ensure that the war effort would have a set goal.  But now that I see the game that these moronic politicians and bureaucrats in uniform are playing with our troops’ lives, it is high time we end these two conflicts and pull all foreign troops out of the nations we are in.

I have no delusions that this will eliminate our enemies or calm them down.  In fact, I fully expect them to respond with ramped up attacks on civilian targets.  But our response should be to so horrendous that it would become unthinkable to attack us again.  You don’t see many high-profile attacks on Russia, right?  This is largely because their responses to Islamic terrorism were swift and brutal.  I doubt much of their response was even reported by the media because it was done covertly.  Their last President was ex-KGB after all and not stupid community organizing lawyer or a failed businessman from a rich family.

It is high time we take a serious look at our foreign policy and realize that we cannot fight a war with the rest of the world.  Especially when we are unwilling to use nuclear weapons against our enemies and would rather needlessly throw American lives at the problem.