Saturday, December 12, 2009

And Now For Something a Little Different

Big government to the left of me
Big government to the right
God above me
His peace finds me rest
The world brings me war
Poverty, drugs, terrorism
Against the world I stand
Against the world I push
And find solace in His humbling power

To left I see the call for creating heaven on Earth
Without morality
Without any real purpose
To the right I see the call for bringing heavenly morality
Without God
Without point
Yet I see no Messiah in either
No hope in either
Tyranny reigns and is the order of the day
To the left, justification comes from man
To the right, justification comes from God

But God and man both know better

As I look up I see a new dwelling
No effort of man could create it
No law, no policy, no justice

For without Him there is no law or justice
To the left they have forgotten Him
To the right they have the spirit of Constantine
But not the spirit of Him

Not Quite as saintly Paul was right
He has brought me peace
Now I’m at war with the world