Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Next Era

Post-modern society is coming to a close.

This was the inevitable outcome of such a waste of a philosophy.  Its fruits were always going to be poisonous and the trees that grew from them were always going to produce fire and death rather than life.  I'm surprised that it has lasted as long as it has, but I guess the foundations of our modern wealth and prosperity were built with diamonds.

Make no mistake, our societal decay is not the result of our incredible wealth and comfort.  There have been less wealthy societies that have been just as decadent, if not more so.  I doubt that Sodom had indoor plumbing or doctors who specialized in prolapsed anuses, for instance.

A nation's wealth is not directly proportional to its obediance to God.  From what I understand, many European nations were so wealthy from the 1200s to around the 1500s that people only had to work for about 14 weeks a year and they built Cathedrals in their spare time.

We built cities of concrete, roads of tar and stone, and houses strong enough to withstand earthquakes and hurricanes.  But this is not what caused us to lose our way.

We've got churches.  Some towns have more churches than people  Churches that actively engage in the local community.  Churches that preach the Word of God in nice, neat, 20 minute speeches.

And yet, we are a spiritually dead people.  We make up sins like racism and sexism in order to protect ourselves from repenting of our true sins like lust and gluttony.  In doing so, we fall into pride because we consider ourselves better than Jesus, Peter, and Paul, all of whom would be considered homophobic, racist, and sexist by today's standards.

This is all because of the post-modern ideals where there is no objective truth.  Because we went from Jesus being the Way, the Truth, and the Life to Science being the only objective truth in this material world only to find that Science cannot explain everything.  So we fell into nihilism and despair instead of turning back to God.

Because how could God exist in this world without explanation.

We have forgetten that wisdom is not faith, that intelligence is not morality, and that the material is not all there is.  We grasp and we plead for a sign, for a blessing but we are unwilling to wrestle the angel for one.

God knows our hearts.  He knows our sins, numerous as they are, even the stuff that our closest loved ones will never know.  And He knows how sincere we are when we repent of our sins and ask Him to cleanse our black hearts.

There is a turning though.  The last few years, I've noticed a subtle shift.  The Elite are rapidly trying to cling to the power and influence they've had for decades in this country.  Their recent actions merely reinforce the fact that they are losing control of everything.

But they can still win these coming battles.  They won in 2020, after all.  So we have to fight.  We have to fight to ensure that our communities stand as beacons of Christ.  This can take several forms, but most don't involve sitting on your ass and bitching on social media about how bad things are to some bot or NPC.

The world is changing and it can change in a good way.  The Great Reset has happened.  The New World Order was implemented.  It can be our turn to effect change and it all starts with prayer, family, and empowering your local community.  The rest will follow, trust me.