Monday, February 29, 2016

This Wonderful Faggot Culture We Live In

This is the faggot culture we live in right now:

Emojis are quickly becoming the language of the Internet, but with that power comes a raft of new legal issues. Cases are beginning to emerge in which police charge people — often kids — for using emoji in ways that they deem threatening.

According to a Washington Post feature on the subject, a 12-year-old girl in Fairfax, Va. was charged with threatening her school and computer harassment because she posted a message on Instagram that included a bomb, knife and gun emojis and the phrase “meet me in the Library.”

I wish I could blame the cops for being functionally retarded.  But it isn’t their fault entirely.  The Second Set of Books demands that all hurt feelings in women be mitigated and that all negative emotions created due to external sources be treated as crimes.

In other words, we live in the age of the faggot culture.  We live in an age where perceptions of reality are filtered not through the five senses but through our emotional states.  We let emotions guide our morals and we feel justified when we attack those who have harmed us.

The government school system is a proving ground if you will.  There you find that if you are not a white, heterosexual boy, you get all the coddling and excuses you need.  It is the SJW-utopia where political correctness is mandatory, mentioning God or Jesus is forbidden, and praying to Allah is virtue.

In this case, the girl in question merely used emojis, which are just little icons, to express how she felt.  But because these triggered negative emotions in other people, she was guilty of the crime of causing wanton badfeel in others.

Now that the millennial generation are becoming adults, we are going to see more and more of this extreme nonsense.  Because people in the education system are not educated but morlocks who desire to feel safe from harmful feelings and negative events.

If we let them win, the end result will be beheadings of children and safespace rapes.  Don’t let these insane Marxists win.