I support Trump for 2016. This may seem odd coming from someone who has libertarian leanings and is a self-described “anti-Utopian” but my reasons are valid. I know that my support of Trump is probably no surprise to most people who follow me (all three of my other personalities) but on the off chance it does, I think I can explain myself.
The two most important issues in politics today are the ever growing welfare state and the continued influx of immigrants into our nation. Nearly everything else is utterly pointless to bring up because it is in those two issues that we find our nation and culture dying.
When I say the welfare state, I mean the entire apparatus of government programs designed to provide people with free money and services that they could otherwise obtain outside of the government if they bothered to get up and work for a living. This includes Social Security (it is not a trust fund), Medicare, and Medicaid*. This includes handouts to corporations who suck at their business. This includes handouts to non-profits of all types.
Our domestic policies are bankrupting our governments at all levels and it is largely because of the welfare state. Yes, Federal military spending is higher than most other countries combined but the total cost of foreign defense amounts to roughly 1 trillion of the Federal budget. Considering how much the Federal government takes in on taxes, just paying for foreign defense and law enforcement would yield a considerable surplus every year.
The welfare state, however, is here to stay until the Federal government defaults on all its loans or the sun explodes. This is largely because the welfare state is supported and held up by lobbyists for big corporations.
Think about it. If you are the CEO of Wal-Mart (somehow) and your primary customer is someone who is middle to lower class, wouldn’t you petition for more and more food stamps? That way, there is more disposable cash for poor people to have, which they will promptly spend rather than invest or save because poor people generally make poor financial decisions.
So really, any chance of eliminating the welfare state is pretty much dead in the water. You won’t ever beat that system, you can only break it.
That leaves the other major issue of our day: immigration. Since 1965, the United States has seen the largest influx of immigrants has occurred in the history of mankind. Some 61 million people have immigrated into the United States, many of them from third world hellholes.
The trouble is, these people generally are not the best and brightest that their country of origin has to offer. In many cases, the people coming here are their country’s equivalent of white trailer trash.
Bear in mind that there are plenty of immigrants who come here with professional skillsets and the ability to work high paying white collar jobs. They usually come from India or South Korea and they are, for the most, decent, hard-working people.
But the vast majority of immigrants come from crime-ridden Mexico and countries further south. These men and women come here at the behest of their leaders and are even given information on how to get on the welfare rolls. 63% of immigrants are on welfare right now.
They also have been shown to abandon their own children, in some cases maiming them, in order to create an anchor child situation. Are these the kind of people we want to come to the United States? What kind of cultural benefit could they provide to our society as a whole?
This all brings me back to Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump. He is probably the only candidate who has sworn he will build a wall along the Mexican border and get the Mexican government to pay for it.
It is a loud boast and his mouth may be writing a check that he can’t cash, but he will try and do it if he is elected.
The fact of the matter is, we need less immigration, not more. There was a long period in this country’s history (approximately from 1930ish to 1965) where the borders were closed for everyone. And yet, we had one of the largest economic booms in the history of mankind.
Yes, there were other factors that went into it. I doubt immigration had anything to do with anything with regards to the 1950s boom. At the same time, however, we had it in spite of not having a porous border.
At the end of the day, I don’t agree with Donald Trump on a whole lot. I fully expect Obamacare to keep going and the tax code to get more complex even if he is elected President.
And no, I don’t expect President Trump to end the welfare state, at least not intentionally. But at the same time, no politician would propose scaling it back, even with 100% support from all sectors and branches of government. Such a policy stance is the political equivalent of having your scrotum nailed to a chair and then being pushed down a stairwell.
So the only other important issue, immigration, is the only issue that really matters.
And Donald Trump is the only one who is taking it seriously.
So my support goes with Trump. The other candidates are just same old, same old at best. At worst, they are worse than Obama, which is hard to conceive of but is possible I suppose.
*Full disclosure: I have my premature son on Medicaid right now. I did this because there is a good chance my insurance would drop him from coverage because he qualifies for Medicaid. Yes, that can happen as insurance companies will drop coverage for people if they have alternatives. In my case, however, I use the one I pay for as my primary for him and only resort to Medicaid if it is needed. Also, if Medicaid goes bankrupt or he loses that coverage, it isn’t a huge loss for me and my son won’t die with inadequate coverage.