Saturday, January 1, 2011

I Want My Money Back: US Agencies That Should Be Abolished

Like all standards that mankind sets for itself, the Constitution has been stretched, bended, and (these days) downright ignored when it comes to Federal Government power.  Usually, agencies and departments are set up either as an emergency measure or to address a particular ‘crisis’ that is critical to the nation.  Most of the time, these things never really go away, but tend to stick around like the stench of a bad finger bang (sorry, that was a bit graphic).

Going forward, there’s a long list that most liberty-minded individuals could agree that should be eliminated:

  • The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) – This organization serves no purpose than to harass individuals engaged in perfectly lawful activities.  Firearms, alcohol, and tobacco are all legal products.  Any regulations imposed on them are largely left to state and local governments so this agency is nothing more than a redundant law enforcement agency.
  • The Drug Enforcement Agency – I am for full drug legalization, not because I take a lot of recreational drugs, but because I believe that a free society allows people to screw up their lives.  With the liberty crushing measures that are taken each and every day to stop stupid people from frying their brains, I wonder why more people haven’t jumped on board.  The truth is, the drug enforcement policies have created the monster of illegal immigration we face now, since Mexico has become a crap-hole thanks to the cartels (drug monopolies) and the amount of drugs consumed by Americans has not diminished in the slightest.  I want a return on my investments, so I think it’s high time that agency was dismantled and drugs were left to state and local governments.
  • The Department of Agriculture – This entire department has become nothing more than a government wing of the Monsanto corporation, regardless of their intentions for food production.  More than that, this department is now dedicated to regulating food prices and supplies domestically when the entire farming industry accounts for only 4% of the US population last I heard.  Why should the government pay some people to not raise pigs when it doesn’t pay me to not raise pigs myself?
  • The Department of Education – When this department was started, it was suppose to make education better for all the children in America.  And my generation is mostly a bunch of pop-culture morons with barely any ability to think critically or understand even basic concepts.  Last century’s prosperity was built by people with no higher education than eighth grade.  The current crop of “well-educated” young people are much more stupid than the previous, lacking basic skills to get by in life.  If you’re a parent of one of these idiots, why do you think they haven’t moved out yet?  The Department of Education is nothing more than a big slush fund for special interests and government unions who have no interest in making intelligent, well-balanced kids.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services – This whole department is another big waste of tax money.  Their best efforts to combat the flu was to tell every to cough into their arm.  The first major epidemic that truly hits our country will not be stopped by these idiots.  By the way, they have the power to take our liberties at any time if they believe we pose a public health risk.  Watch this department closely because it will be the vehicle for squashing political dissent.
  • The Department of Energy – This department was started to develop energy independence.  Hasn’t worked since its inception, so let’s all just get rid of them and let the market sort that out.  Also, they did a piss poor job with the BP oil spill and I’m pretty sure they let BP get away with many regulatory infractions, probably due to either laziness or bribery.
  • The Securities and Exchange Commission – This commission spends most of its days sitting at their desks masturbating to Internet porn and collecting six figure salaries.  Nobody’s been fired yet either and it took them years to figure out Bernie Madoff’s scheme.  They are a bunch of failures and they deserve to all be fired.
  • The Federal Communications Commission – This power grabbing bunch needs to be shut down.  Let private individuals own the airwaves and the flow of information.  Instead, the government owns the airwaves and has proven it time and time again.  Maybe its time we all allowed our entertainment to not be filtered through government censors.
  • The Federal Bureau of Investigation – The FBI has committed numerous infractions of our liberties over the decades it has existed and it has yet to justify its existence.  Under the Tenth Amendment, this agency should not exist as all crimes are state and local matters that are not the responsibility of the Federal government.
  • The Central Intelligence Agency – This agency has failed to properly protect us, shrouded much of its actions in secret, and probably caused more harm than good in the world.  Their accomplishments are few and probably still not classified.  The fact is, the 9/11 attack should not have happened if they were doing their damn job.
  • The Environmental Protection Agency – They don’t protect the environment, they just like making our lives miserable in the light of fallacious ‘science’.  This Nixon-established agency needs to be disbanded and let’s leave pollution control up to state and local governments.  There’s much less chance for corruption there.

There are probably more agencies that I could add to the list and because of the web of complexity that exists within the United States Bureaucracy, I’m sure there is a lot of overlap.  The fact is, freedom does not exist in the United States as we are not the land of the free.  This is a logical conclusion based on the mere fact that there are tons of governmental agencies out there doing God only knows to ‘protect’ us.  The bigger the government, the less free we all truly are.  There is no getting around this simple fact.